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'''Oorasu''' {{kana|オーラス}} is designated for the last dealer of the game, barring any player ending the game earlier by dropping below zero points.  This is the South 4 hand; for [[tonpussen|East only]], it is the East 4 hand.  Naturally, if the last dealer wins, an additional hand, or renchan, may be awarded and the game continues.  Though, the game may also end if the last dealer happens to be the points leader, or if the other players force a wind rotation.  The term is derived from '''all last'''.
'''Oorasu''' {{kana|オーラス}} is designated for the last dealer of the game; the term is derived from '''all last'''.  This is the South 4 hand; for [[tonpussen|East only]], it is the East 4 hand.  By this point, every player has had the chance to be the dealer twice (once for East only).  Naturally, if the last dealer wins, renchan may occur for another hand.  Though, the game may end if the last dealer happens to be the points leader; or if the other players force a wind rotation.  This depends on agariyame.

'''Agariyame''' {{kana|和了り止め}} is a [[Rule_variations#Agariyame|specialized rule]] applied at oorasu, where the last dealer makes the call to end the game after one hand, whether holding the lead or not.  Ending with the lead, the last dealer secures the win for the whole game.  Otherwise, the same player may make the call to continue an additional hand, or renchan.  If this rule is "nashi" or "deactivated", then the final dealer seat is retained until either the dealer fails to attain tenpai or another player wins a hand.  In either case, the wind is technically rotated; and the game ends.
'''Agariyame''' {{kana|和了り止め}} is a [[Rule_variations#Agariyame|specialized rule]] applied at oorasu, where the last dealer makes the call to end the game after one hand, whether holding the lead or not.  This decision enables the last dealer to prevent other players from a chance of [[gyakuten|improving their point standing]].  Naturally, the last dealer with the lead secures the win for the whole game.  Otherwise, the same player may make the call to continue an additional hand, or renchan.  The game can end, if a player aside the dealer wins the hand.


'''Enchousen''' {{kana|延長戦}} is an extra wind round, provided that no player scored above the [[scoring|target points]] (typically 30,000) after South 4.  The extra round functions like an "overtime sudden death period".  The instant a player scores above the target points with a winning hand, then the game ends immediately; and the same player wins the game.  However, [[ryuukyoku]] cannot end the game.  For a regular hanchan game, this extra round is indicated as the West round.  For [[tonpussen]], the South round takes on this role.
'''Enchousen''' {{kana|延長戦}} is an extra wind round.  The extra round functions like an "overtime sudden death period"  This extra round continues, when no player scored above the [[scoring|target points]] (typically 30,000) after South 4.  The instant a player scores above the target points with a winning hand, then the game ends immediately; and the same player wins the game.  However, [[ryuukyoku]] cannot end the game.  For a regular hanchan game, this extra round is indicated as the West round.  For [[tonpussen]], the South round takes on this role.
