Talk:2014 World Riichi Championship: Difference between revisions

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Removed all links to the old site as the domain now belongs to some spam blog. It'd be nice if someone could upload the rule pdf somewhere to link on the page
Removed all links to the old site as the domain now belongs to some spam blog. It'd be nice if someone could upload the rule pdf somewhere to link on the page
--[[User:Osamu|Osamu]] ([[User talk:Osamu|talk]]) 19:54, 24 April 2015 (UTC)

Revision as of 19:54, 24 April 2015

Participant List - Japan

Takeo Kojima 9 Dan. founder member of the Japan Professional Mahjong League Shigekazu Moriyama Yudai Maehara Masayoshi Ara Satoshi Fujisaki Yuukou Itou Takahiro Fujiwara Kazunori Takizawa Hiroshi Yamai Masao Kuroki Masatoshi Sarukawa Hisato Sasaki Masaharu Tomotake Hiroyuki Yamada Kansuke Sugiura Sawazaki Makoto Naoki Setokuma Yukio Yoshida Kouhei Ide Takashi Furuhashi Kazuhiko Nishijima Norio Iga Aki Nikaido Rumi Nikaido Yukiko Izumi Miyauchi Kozue Yurika Aoi Hengfang Wang Nao Ogasahara Ikuko Tsukie Yumi Uotani Mari Takamiya Sakiku Tezuka Rio Tojo Jun Nishikawa Kenneth Tokuda Shodan Mito Ryousuke 5 Dan


Kajita Ryouichi – MJ5 profile Kihara Kouichi – blog twitter Osaki Hatsune – blog twitter Nagi Yonesaki - blog twitter Kiriyama Noriyuki

To be formatted later. KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 02:03, 4 June 2014 (UTC)

Complete list

KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 02:08, 4 June 2014 (UTC)

Initial 8 hanchan arrangements

Here's the rotation on the initial 8 hanchan. However, might not be all that usable without the round robin rotation. KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 20:34, 22 July 2014 (UTC)

Table Hanchan 1 Hanchan 2 Hanchan 3 Hanchan 4 Hanchan 5 Hanchan 6 Hanchan 7 Hanchan 8
1 1,31,61,91 1,60,89,118 1,59,87,115 1,58,85,112 1,57,83,109 1,56,81,106 1,55,79,103 1,54,77,100
2 2,32,62,92 2,31,90,119 2,60,88,116 2,59,86,113 2,58,84,110 2,57,82,107 2,56,80,104 2,55,78,101
3 3,33,63,93 3,32,61,120 3,31,89,117 3,60,87,114 3,59,85,111 3,58,83,108 3,57,81,105 3,56,79,102
4 4,34,64,94 4,33,62,91 4,32,90,118 4,31,88,115 4,60,86,112 4,59,84,109 4,58,82,106 4,57,80,103
5 5,35,65,95 5,34,63,92 5,33,61,119 5,32,89,116 5,31,87,113 5,60,85,110 5,59,83,107 5,58,81,104
6 6,36,66,96 6,35,64,93 6,34,62,120 6,33,90,117 6,32,88,114 6,31,86,111 6,60,84,108 6,59,82,105
7 7,37,67,97 7,36,65,94 7,35,63,91 7,34,61,118 7,33,89,115 7,32,87,112 7,31,85,109 7,60,83,106
8 8,38,68,98 8,37,66,95 8,36,64,92 8,35,62,119 8,34,90,116 8,33,88,113 8,32,86,110 8,31,84,107
9 9,39,69,99 9,38,67,96 9,37,65,93 9,36,63,120 9,35,61,117 9,34,89,114 9,33,87,111 9,32,85,108
10 10,40,70,100 10,39,68,97 10,38,66,94 10,37,64,91 10,36,62,118 10,35,90,115 10,34,88,112 10,33,86,109
11 11,41,71,101 11,40,69,98 11,39,67,95 11,38,65,92 11,37,63,119 11,36,61,116 11,35,89,113 11,34,87,110
12 12,42,72,102 12,41,70,99 12,40,68,96 12,39,66,93 12,38,64,120 12,37,62,117 12,36,90,114 12,35,88,111
13 13,43,73,103 13,42,71,100 13,41,69,97 13,40,67,94 13,39,65,91 13,38,63,118 13,37,61,115 13,36,89,112
14 14,44,74,104 14,43,72,101 14,42,70,98 14,41,68,95 14,40,66,92 14,39,64,119 14,38,62,116 14,37,90,113
15 15,45,75,105 15,44,73,102 15,43,71,99 15,42,69,96 15,41,67,93 15,40,65,120 15,39,63,117 15,38,61,114
16 16,46,76,106 16,45,74,103 16,44,72,100 16,43,70,97 16,42,68,94 16,41,66,91 16,40,64,118 16,39,62,115
17 17,47,77,107 17,46,75,104 17,45,73,101 17,44,71,98 17,43,69,95 17,42,67,92 17,41,65,119 17,40,63,116
18 18,48,78,108 18,47,76,105 18,46,74,102 18,45,72,99 18,44,70,96 18,43,68,93 18,42,66,120 18,41,64,117
19 19,49,79,109 19,48,77,106 19,47,75,103 19,46,73,100 19,45,71,97 19,44,69,94 19,43,67,91 19,42,65,118
20 20,50,80,110 20,49,78,107 20,48,76,104 20,47,74,101 20,46,72,98 20,45,70,95 20,44,68,92 20,43,66,119
21 21,51,81,111 21,50,79,108 21,49,77,105 21,48,75,102 21,47,73,99 21,46,71,96 21,45,69,93 21,44,67,120
22 22,52,82,112 22,51,80,109 22,50,78,106 22,49,76,103 22,48,74,100 22,47,72,97 22,46,70,94 22,45,68,91
23 23,53,83,113 23,52,81,110 23,51,79,107 23,50,77,104 23,49,75,101 23,48,73,98 23,47,71,95 23,46,69,92
24 24,54,84,114 24,53,82,111 24,52,80,108 24,51,78,105 24,50,76,102 24,49,74,99 24,48,72,96 24,47,70,93
25 25,55,85,115 25,54,83,112 25,53,81,109 25,52,79,106 25,51,77,103 25,50,75,100 25,49,73,97 25,48,71,94
26 26,56,86,116 26,55,84,113 26,54,82,110 26,53,80,107 26,52,78,104 26,51,76,101 26,50,74,98 26,49,72,95
27 27,57,87,117 27,56,85,114 27,55,83,111 27,54,81,108 27,53,79,105 27,52,77,102 27,51,75,99 27,50,73,96
28 28,58,88,118 28,57,86,115 28,56,84,112 28,55,82,109 28,54,80,106 28,53,78,103 28,52,76,100 28,51,74,97
29 29,59,89,119 29,58,87,116 29,57,85,113 29,56,83,110 29,55,81,107 29,54,79,104 29,53,77,101 29,52,75,98
30 30,60,90,120 30,59,88,117 30,58,86,114 30,57,84,111 30,56,82,108 30,55,80,105 30,54,78,102 30,53,76,99

Stat Tables

Out of the preliminary first 8 hanchan, I was able to attain pictures of 7 out of the 8 hanchan. As shown, I've inputted already the even numbered hanchan. With that, I will just go ahead and delete the odd numbered columns. To remain consistent, that will be the intention for the knockout rounds table also. However, I failed to acquire the semifinal scores as well as the final scores. Though, I believe this can be available by accessing recorded video. KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 20:14, 21 July 2014 (UTC)


KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 08:20, 23 July 2014 (UTC)

Japanese blogs

Well, I can't read any of these. Posted here in case they're useful. KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 07:39, 22 August 2014 (UTC)


Removed all links to the old site as the domain now belongs to some spam blog. It'd be nice if someone could upload the rule pdf somewhere to link on the page --Osamu (talk) 19:54, 24 April 2015 (UTC)