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The following is a list of [[mahjong]] books written by various Japanese professional players and leagues.
The following is an incomplete list of [[mahjong]] books written by various Japanese professional players and leagues.
==Book list==
==Book list==
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| 神眼の麻雀 山を透視して勝つ技術||God Eye's Mahjong, Seeing Through the Wall WInning Techniques||成岡 明彦, 福地 誠||Akihiko Naruoka, Makoto Fukuchi||Comprehensive||N/A
| 神眼の麻雀 山を透視して勝つ技術||God Eye's Mahjong, Seeing Through the Wall WInning Techniques||成岡 明彦, 福地 誠||Akihiko Naruoka, Makoto Fukuchi||Comprehensive||N/A
| 新次元麻雀 ~場況への実戦的対応とケイテンの極意~ (マイナビ麻雀BOOKS)||New Dimension Mahjong ~Mysteries of the Real Board Situations and Shaped Tenpai~ (Mainabi Mahjong Books)||ASAPIN||Asapin||Situational||Advanced(!!!)
| 新次元麻雀 ~場況への実戦的対応とケイテンの極意~ (マイナビ麻雀BOOKS)||New Dimension Mahjong ~Mysteries of the Real Board Situations and YakulessTenpai~ (Mainabi Mahjong Books)||[[ASAPIN]]||Asapin||Situational||Advanced(!!!)
| 最強位・天鳳位・雀ゴロ 天才雀士3人に麻雀のことを聞いたらバカ勝ちできた。 (近代麻雀戦術シリーズ)||Strongest, Tenhou, Jangoro: Hear the Genius 3 Player Mahjong Player talk about Mahjong and You'll Win Big. (Kinda Mahjong Tactics Series)||ASAPIN||Asapin||3 Player Comprehensive||Intermediate ~ Advanced
| 最強位・天鳳位・雀ゴロ 天才雀士3人に麻雀のことを聞いたらバカ勝ちできた。 (近代麻雀戦術シリーズ)||Strongest, Tenhou, Jangoro: Hear the Genius 3 Player Mahjong Player talk about Mahjong and You'll Win Big. (Kinda Mahjong Tactics Series)||ASAPIN||Asapin||3 Player Comprehensive||Intermediate ~ Advanced
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| ゼウスの選択 デジタル麻雀最終形||Zeus's Choice, Digital Mahjong's Final Form||鈴木たろう||Tarou Suzuki||Comprehensive||Advanced
| ゼウスの選択 デジタル麻雀最終形||Zeus's Choice, Digital Mahjong's Final Form||鈴木たろう||Tarou Suzuki||Comprehensive||Advanced
| The Red Dragon & The West Wind: The Winning Guide to Official Chinese & American Mah-Jongg||The Red Dragon & The West Wind: The Winning Guide to Offical Chinese & American Mah-Jongg||Tom Sloper||Tom Sloper||Comprehensive||N/A
| 科学する麻雀 (講談社現代新書)||The Science of Mahjong (Koudansha Modern Books)||とつげき東北||Touhoku Totsugeki, Makoto Fukuchi||Comprehensive||Intermediate ~ Advanced
| 科学する麻雀 (講談社現代新書)||The Science of Mahjong (Koudansha Modern Books)||とつげき東北||Touhoku Totsugeki, Makoto Fukuchi||Comprehensive||Intermediate ~ Advanced

Latest revision as of 00:20, 20 February 2025

The following is an incomplete list of mahjong books written by various Japanese professional players and leagues.

Book list

Title:JPN Title:ENG Author:JPN Author:ENG Type Level
二階堂亜樹の勝てる麻雀の基本 (日本プロ麻雀連盟BOOKS) Nikaidou Aki's Fundamentals to Winning at Mahjong (Japanese Professional Mahjong League Books) 二階堂 亜樹 Aki Nikaidou Comprehensive Beginner ~ Intermediate
神眼の麻雀 山を透視して勝つ技術 God Eye's Mahjong, Seeing Through the Wall WInning Techniques 成岡 明彦, 福地 誠 Akihiko Naruoka, Makoto Fukuchi Comprehensive N/A
新次元麻雀 ~場況への実戦的対応とケイテンの極意~ (マイナビ麻雀BOOKS) New Dimension Mahjong ~Mysteries of the Real Board Situations and YakulessTenpai~ (Mainabi Mahjong Books) ASAPIN Asapin Situational Advanced(!!!)
最強位・天鳳位・雀ゴロ 天才雀士3人に麻雀のことを聞いたらバカ勝ちできた。 (近代麻雀戦術シリーズ) Strongest, Tenhou, Jangoro: Hear the Genius 3 Player Mahjong Player talk about Mahjong and You'll Win Big. (Kinda Mahjong Tactics Series) ASAPIN Asapin 3 Player Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
超精緻麻雀 -多角的思考による盤面把握- (マイナビ麻雀BOOKS) Ultra Minute Mahjong, Multilateral Considerations through Understanding the Board (Mainabi Mahjong Books) ASAPIN Asapin Situational Advanced(!!!)
麻雀・序盤の鉄戦略 ―3人の天鳳位が出す究極の結論 Mahjong - Early Game Iron Clad Strategies. 3 Tenhoui's Ultimate Conclusions. 独歩, しゅかつ, すずめクレイジー, 平澤 元気 Doppo, Shukatsu, Suzume Crazy, Genki Hirasawa Early Game Strategies N/A
麻雀 傑作「何切る」300選 Mahjong Masterpiece, WWYD 300 Questions G・ウザク, 福地 誠 G Uzaku, Makoto Fukuchi WWYD Intermediate ~ Advanced
麻雀 定石「何切る」301選 Mahjong Established Tactics, WWYD 301 Questions G・ウザク, 福地 誠 G Uzaku, Makoto Fukuchi WWYD Beginner ~ Advanced
よくわかる麻雀の勝ち方 ~牌効率から読みまで極める30の技術~ (マイナビ麻雀BOOKS) Well Known Ways of WInning at Mahjong, From Tile Effieincy to Reading, 30 Thoughourly Investigative Techniques. (Mainabi Mahjong Books) 平澤 元気 Genki Hirasawa Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
絶対にラスを引かない麻雀 ~ラス回避35の技術~ (マイナビ麻雀BOOKS) Avoid Last Without Fail Mahjong, 35 Last Avoiding Tactics (Mainabi Mahjong Books) 平澤 元気 Genki Hirasawa, Doppo, Kanimajin, Shukatsu Comprehensive with focus on avoiding last place Advanced
麻雀・鉄押しの条件 ―3人の天鳳位が出す究極の結論 Mahjong - Iron Push Situations. 3 Tenhoui's Ultimate Conclusions. 平澤 元気, 独歩, かにマジン, しゅかつ Genki Hirasawa, Doppo, Kanimajin, Shukatsu Situational N/A
スーパーデジタル麻雀 (近代麻雀戦術シリーズ) Super Digital Mahjong (Kindai Mahjong Tactics Series) 小林 剛 Go Kobayashi Comprehensive N/A
リーチ麻雀論改革派 (ビー・ア・スター・ライブラリー) Riichi Mahjong Discussion Reformist (Be a Star Library) 天野 晴夫 Haruo Amano Comprehensive Beginner ~ Intermediate
バビィのメンチン何切る Babi's Closed Flush WWYD 馬場 裕一 Hirokazu Baba Closed Flush WWYD N/A
ヒサトノート 強者のメンタル強化塾 (近代麻雀戦術シリーズ) Hisato Note - Strong Player's Mental Strengthening Cram Session (Kinda Mahjong Tactics Series) 佐々木 寿人 Hisato Sasaki Comprehensive N/A
フリー麻雀で食う 上級雀ゴロゼミ Eating off of Free Mahjong, Advanced Jangoro Seminar 雀ゴロK Jangoro K Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
純黒ピン東メンバーが教える フリー麻雀で食う超実践打法 Teachings of the Pure Black Tenpin Member, Extremely Practical Way to Eat Off of Free Mahjong 雀ゴロK Jangoro K Comprehesnive Intermediate
麻雀 何切る必勝定石 (マイナビ麻雀文庫) Mahjong WWYD, Established Tactics for Certian Victory 日本プロ麻雀協会 Japanese Professional Mahjong Association WWYD Beginner ~ Advanced
「何切る」で覚える 麻雀基本手筋コレクション (日本プロ麻雀連盟BOOKS) Remember through WWYD, Standard Mahjong Fundamentals Collection 日本プロ麻雀連盟 Japanese Professional Mahjong League WWYD Beginner ~ Intermediate
日本一麻雀が強いサラリーマンの必勝法 (近代麻雀戦術シリーズ) Japan's Strongest Mahjong Playing Salaryman's Sure Fire Techniques (Mainabi Mahjong Books) かにマジン Kanimajin Comprehensive Beginner ~ Intermediate
麻雀あなたは間違っている!―麻雀常識の再点検 (ハウブックス) Mahjong. You are Mistaken! Reevaluation of Mahjong Common Sense (How Books) 田中 健二郎 Kenjiro Tanaka Comprehensive N/A
「運」を育てる 麻雀界の異端児 土田浩翔の流儀 Training Luck. The Nonconformest of the Mahjong World, Tsuchida Koushou Style. 土田浩翔 Koushou Tsuchida N/A N/A
「牌効率」入門ドリル76 "Tile Efficiency" 76 Introductory Drills 福地 誠 Makoto Fukuchi Efficiency WWYD Beginner ~ Intermediate
ネット麻雀・ロジカル戦術入門 Net Mahjong, Introduction to Logicial Tactics 福地 誠 Makoto Fukuchi Comprehensive Beginner ~ Advanced
現代麻雀 手作りと押し引きの鉄戦術 Modern Mahjong, Hand Formation and Push Pull Iron Techniques 福地 誠 Makoto Fukuchi Comprehensive N/A
現代麻雀押し引きの教科書 The Push/Pull Textbook 福地 誠 Makoto Fukuchi Push/Pull Beginner ~ Advanced
麻雀 10倍勝てるテクニック Mahjong, Techniques for Winning 10x as Much 福地 誠 Makoto Fukuchi Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
麻雀 勝ち組の選択 Mahjong, The Choices of Winners 福地 誠 Makoto Fukuchi Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
麻雀テクニック―近代麻雀オリジナル公認 今日から勝率アップ!! Mahjong Tecniques, Kinda Mahjong Original Acknowledged, From Today Forawrd Winning Percentage Up!! 福地 誠 Makoto Fukuchi Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
麻雀の正解 Mahjong's Solution 福地 誠 Makoto Fukuchi Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
麻雀勝ち組の選択II Mahjong, The Choices of Winners II 福地 誠 Makoto Fukuchi Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
これだけで勝てる! 麻雀の基本形80 Win with just this! 80 Fundamental Mahjong Shapes 福地誠 Makoto Fukuchi WWYD Beginner ~ Intermediate
最強プロが教える常勝の麻雀―牌の流れをズバリ読み切る『牌流定石』で必ず勝つ法 Invincible Mahjong Teachings of the Strongest Pro, Carefully Reading the Flow of the Tiles, Sure Fire Win of the Tile Flow Tactic 金子 正輝 Masateru Kaneko Comprehensive N/A
麻雀麒麟児の一打 鉄鳴き―近代麻雀公認 Strike of the Mahjong Prodigy, Kindai Mahjong Recognized 堀内 正人 Masato Horiuchi Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
神速の麻雀 堀内システム51 Speed God's Mahjong, Horiuchi System 51 堀内 正人, 福地 誠 Masato Horiuchi, Makoto Fukuchi Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
麻雀の誕生 The Creation of Mahjong 大谷 通順 Michiyori Ootani History Book N/A
「統計学」のマージャン戦術 Statistics' Mahjong Techniques みーにん Miinin Comprehensive N/A
統計で勝つ麻雀 (近代麻雀戦術シリーズ) Winning Mahjong through Statistics (Kindai Mahjong Tactics Series) みーにん, 福地 誠 Miinin, Makoto Fukuchi Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
麻雀 魔神の実戦 (マイナビ麻雀BOOKS) Mahjong, Demon God's Real Play (Mainabi Mahjong Books) 渋川 難波 Nanba Shibukawa Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
麻雀 魔神の攻め (マイナビ麻雀BOOKS) Mahjong, Demon God's Offense (Mainabi Mahjong Books) 渋川 難波 Nanba Shibukawa Offense Intermediate ~ Advanced
麻雀 魔神の読み (マイナビ麻雀BOOKS) Mahjong, Demon God's Readings (Mainabi Mahjong Books) 渋川 難波 Nanba Shibukawa Tile Reading Advanced
もっと勝つための現代麻雀技術論 実戦編 Modern Mahjong Technique Theory for Winning More, Real Game Theory ネマタ, 福地 誠 Nemata, Makoto Fukuchi Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
天鳳 公式完全攻略読本 Tenhou, The Official Complete Strategy Guide Book ネマタ, 福地 誠 Nemata, Makoto Fukuchi Comprehensive Beginner ~ Intermediate
勝つための現代麻雀技術論 Modern Mahjong Technique Theory for Winning ネマタ、福地 誠 Nemata, Makoto Fukuchi Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
進化するデジタル麻雀 現代の強者に打ち勝つテクニック (マイナビ麻雀BOOKS) Evolving Digital Mahjong. Techniques to beat modern day strong players. 石橋 伸洋 Nobuhiro Ishibashi Comprehensive Advanced(!!!)
黒いデジタル麻雀 ~現代流データ戦術を斬る~ (マイナビ麻雀BOOKS) Black Digital Mahjong ~Killing the Data Techniques of Modern Mahjong~ (Mainabi Mahjong Books) 石橋 伸洋 Nobuhiro Ishibashi Comprehenisve Advanced(!!!)
これから始めてみたい人のための 楽しく打てる麻雀入門 For the People Wanting to Learn Mahong, Have Fun Playing Mahjong Introduction 青木さや Saya Aoki Introduction to Mahjong Introductory
麻雀をはじめたい人に―3時間で麻雀が打てるようになる本 To the People Starting Mahjong, Learn How to Play Mahjong in 3 Hours. 享 信朱 Shinshu Akira Introduction to Mahjong Introductory
絶対に負けない最強麻雀戦術~進化を遂げた新デジタル戦術指南書~ The Strongest Surefire Techiniques to Never Lose at Mahjong~ Accomplished Evolution, New Digital Techniques Instructional Book 菊池翔 Shou Kikuchi Comprehensive N/A
負けない技術──20年間無敗、伝説の雀鬼の「逆境突破力」 (講談社+α新書) Techniques to Not Lose, The Legend Mahjong Demon's who went Undefeated for 20 years The Power to Break Through Adversity (Koudansha Modern Books) 桜井 章一 Shouichi Sakurai Mentality N/A
Mahjong kaji mahjong special training Mahjong, Kaji Mahjong Special Training Takunori Kajimoto Takunori Kajimoto Comprehensive Beginner ~ Intermediate
振り込み回避完全マニュアル The Complete Dealing In Avoidence Manual 梶本 琢程 Takunori Kajimoto Defense Focused Beginner ~ Intermediate
最強プロ鈴木たろうの 迷わず強くなる麻雀 Strongest Pro Suzuki Tarou's Growing Stronger Without Wavering Mahjong 鈴木 たろう Tarou Suzuki Comprehensive N/A
ゼウスの選択 デジタル麻雀最終形 Zeus's Choice, Digital Mahjong's Final Form 鈴木たろう Tarou Suzuki Comprehensive Advanced
科学する麻雀 (講談社現代新書) The Science of Mahjong (Koudansha Modern Books) とつげき東北 Touhoku Totsugeki, Makoto Fukuchi Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
おしえて!科学する麻雀 Teach Me! Science of Mahjong とつげき東北, 福地 誠 Touhoku Totsugeki, Makoto Fukuchi Comprehenisve Beginner ~ Advanced
勝つ人は知っている 現代麻雀30の新常識 (マイナビ麻雀BOOKS) 30 Modern Day Common Knowledge Mahjong Techniques that Winners Know 土井泰昭, 平澤元気 Yasuaki Doi, Genki Hirasawa Comprehensive N/A
ブラコン女子大生の最短で強くなる麻雀 Brothercon Female College Student's Become Stronger at Mahjong in the Shortest Time 西園寺 靖子 Yasuko Saionji Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
東大流 麻雀実戦名手 ‐神品‐ (マイナビ麻雀BOOKS) Toudai Style, Mahjong Real Situation Master -Masterpiece- (Mainabi Mahjong Books) 須田 良規 Yoshiki Suda Comprehensive Intermediate ~ Advanced
3日間でわかる麻雀入門 Learn Mahjong in 3 Days 狩野 洋一 Youichi Kano Introduction to Mahjong Introductory
やさしくわかる麻雀入門 Easy to Learn, Mahjong Introductory 渡辺 洋香 Youko Watanabe Introduction to Mahjong Introductory
マンガでわかる! 東大式麻雀 勝つ打ち方 入門 (池田書店の東大式麻雀シリーズ) Learn through Manga! Toudai Style Mahjong, Playing to Win Introductory (Ikeda Book Store's Toudai Style Mahjong Series) 井出 洋介 Yousuke Ide Introductory Mahjong Strategy Introductory
マンガでわかる! 東大式麻雀 点数計算入門 (池田書店の東大式麻雀シリーズ) Learn through Manga! Toudai Style Mahjong, Point Calculation Introductory (Ikeda Book Store's Toudai Style Mahjong Series) 井出 洋介 Yousuke Ide Introduction to Mahjong - Point Calculation Introductory
マンガでわかる! 東大式麻雀入門 (池田書店の東大式麻雀シリーズ) Learn through Manga! Toudai Style Mahjong Introductory (Ikeda Book Store's Toudai Style Mahjong Series) 井出 洋介 Yousuke Ide Introduction to Mahjong Introductory
東大式麻雀 強くなる打ち方 Toudai Style Mahjong, How to Play to Become Strong 井出 洋介 Yousuke Ide Comprehensive Beginner ~ Intermediate
秘伝 東大式[井出流] 麻雀「基本」のセオリー Secret Toudai Style, Ide Style Mahjong's Foundational Theories 井出 洋介 Yousuke Ide Comprehensive N/A
マンガでわかる! 東大式麻雀 役の覚え方 入門 (池田書店の東大式麻雀シリーズ) Learn through Manga! Toudai Style Mahjong, How to Learn the Yaku Introductory (Ikeda Book Store's Toudai Style Mahjong Series) 井出洋介 Yousuke Ide Introduction to Mahjong - Learning the Yaku Introductory
麻雀技術の教科書 効率的な打ち方 The Mahjong Technique Textbook, Ways to Win Efficiently 井出洋介, 小林剛 Yousuke Ide, Go Kobayashi Comprehensive Beginner ~ Intermediate
1秒で見抜くヤバい麻雀心理術 (近代麻雀戦術シリーズ) See Through Danger in 1 Second, Mahjong Psycological Tactics (Kindai Mahjong Tactics Series) 鈴木 優 Yu Suzuki Comprehensive N/A
ゆーみんの現代麻雀が最速で強くなる本 Yuumin's Becoming Stronger in Modern Mahjong with the Fast Speed Book. 魚谷侑未 Yuumi Uotani Comprehensive Beginner ~ Intermediate

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