
Revision as of 03:23, 26 January 2015 by KyuuAA (talk | contribs)
{{{player1}}} {{{player2}}} {{{player3}}} {{{player4}}}
{{{windround}}} - Honba {{{honba}}} - Riichi pts on table {{{pointsontable}}}
{{{seat1}}} : {{{player1}}} Point exchange
Start hand (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {) Start points
Point exch
Honba pts
Riichi pts

Score update
Tile calls (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Tile draws/claimed (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Discards (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Finish hand (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
{{{seat2}}} : {{{player2}}} Point exchange
Start hand (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {) Start points
Point exch
Honba pts
Riichi pts

Score update
Tile calls (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Tile draws/claimed (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Discards (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Finish hand (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
{{{seat3}}} : {{{player3}}} Point exchange
Start hand (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {) Start points
Point exch
Honba pts
Riichi pts

Score update
Tile calls (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Tile draws/claimed (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Discards (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Finish hand (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
{{{seat4}}} : {{{player4}}} Point exchange
Start hand (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {) Start points
Point exch
Honba pts
Riichi pts

Score update
Tile calls (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Tile draws/claimed (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Discards (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Finish hand (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Documentation icon Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]
<!--Width and color-->
|paifuwidth    = 
|pointscolor   = 
<!--Game data-->
|windround     = 
|honba         = 
|pointsontable = 
|gamesource    = 
|image         = 
<!--Player list-->
|seat1      = 
|player1    = 
|seat2      = 
|player2    = 
|seat3      = 
|player3    = 
|seat4      = 
|player4    = 
<!--Point exchanges-->
   <!--Player 2 points-->
|player1_startpts      = 
|player1_pointexchange = 
|player1_honbapts      = 
|player1_riichipts     = 
|player1_endpts        = 
   <!--Player 2 points-->
|player2_startpts      = 
|player2_pointexchange = 
|player2_honbapts      = 
|player2_riichipts     = 
|player2_endpts        = 
   <!--Player 3 points-->
|player3_startpts      = 
|player3_pointexchange = 
|player3_honbapts      = 
|player3_riichipts     = 
|player3_endpts        = 
   <!--Player 4 points-->
|player4_startpts      = 
|player4_pointexchange = 
|player4_honbapts      = 
|player4_riichipts     = 
|player4_endpts        = 
<!--Player tiles - no need to use #mjt, already embedded-->
   <!--Player1 tiles--> 
|player1_starthand     = 	 
|player1_tilecalls     = 
|player1_draws         = 
|player1_discards      = 
|player1_endhand       = 
   <!--Player2 tiles-->	  
|player2_starthand     = 	 
|player2_tilecalls     = 
|player2_draws         = 
|player2_discards      = 
|player2_endhand       = 
   <!--Player3 tiles-->
|player3_starthand     = 	 
|player3_tilecalls     = 
|player3_draws         = 
|player3_discards      = 
|player3_endhand       =  
   <!--Player4 tiles-->	  
|player4_starthand     = 	 
|player4_tilecalls     = 
|player4_draws         = 
|player4_discards      = 
|player4_endhand       = 