
Toki from Kobayashi Ritz's Saki
Full name YuukiTheFlash
Country USA
Club Northwestern University Riichi Mahjong
ID Onjouji怜, Kikuko<3

Mahjong Biography

YuukiTheFlash is an amateur Riichi Mahjong player who first picked up the game in May 2018, at a Northwestern University Riichi Mahjong club meeting, where he was introduced to it by 鳥星雨 and taught from scratch by Kyuu. Yuuki later learned more strategic mahjong play from ペンギンヒーロー and もふもふ藍, members of Chicago Area Mahjong. He goes by the pseudonyms of Onjouji怜 and Kikuko<3 on Tenhou. While Yuuki regularly plays club mahjong with both Northwestern University Riichi Mahjong and Chicago Area Mahjong, he also plays online, weekly, with the Tenhou Tuesday group. In addition, Yuuki has met and played with members of USPML.

Yuuki is an avid fan of Kobayashi Ritz's Saki series, where his favorite character is Senriyama's Vanguard, Onjouji Toki. Subsequently, Yuuki's favorite yaku in the game is Ippatsu 一発, and his favorite yaku combination is Ippatsu Tsumo, as it is Toki's signature hand. Although he has never scored it or seen it live, Yuuki's favorite Yakuman is Tenhou 天和. (There was a period of time where Yuuki was obsessed with Daisangen 大三元, which has since dulled after he scored it multiple times on Tenhou). Yuuki's proudest hand that he has scored is what he refers to as his "Toki Kazoe", which was a Kazoe Yakuman scored in casual play, where Ippatsu Tsumo on his takame tile gave him exactly 13 Han needed for the Yakuman (Riichi, Ippatsu, Tsumo, Pinfu, Ryanpeikou, Honitsu, Dora 2, Akadora 1).

Tournament Play

Date(s) Event Venue Medium Ruleset Placement / Total
July - August 2018 2018 IORMC USA Qualification Tenhou.net Online IORMC Rules 5 / 26

Tenhou.net Aliases

4-Player Ranked Statistics

Statistics taken as of 09-07-18.

Name Tenhou Rank Games First Game Last Game Best Worst Rank Avg Avg Score Sources
Kikuko<3 (四段 r1718) 497 05-24-2018 08-25-2018 +91 -61 2.52 +0.32 [1][2]
Onjouji怜 (二段 r1824) 69 08-17-2018 08-30-2018 +87 -58 2.15 +13.1 [3][4]
Toki園城寺 (5級) 6 08-28-2018 09-07-2018 +61 +50 1.00 +56.3 [5][6]
Name Games 1st Rate 2nd Rate 3rd Rate 4th Rate Hand Win Deal In Riichi Call Source
Kikuko<3 497 25.3% 23.7% 24.3% 26.5% 22.2%
Onjouji怜 69 42.0% 20.2% 17.3% 20.2% 26.2%
Toki園城寺 6 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 37.5%


  • 9級
  • 8級
  • 7級
  • 6級
  • 5級
  • 4級
  • 3級
  • 2級
  • 1級
  • 初段
  • 二段
  • 三段
  • 四段
  • Highest Score: +91.0
  • Longest First Place Streak: 6 Games
  • Sources [10][11]

Playing Style

YuukiTheFlash has an aggressive leaning play-style, who tends to push bigger hands, but is not afraid to attack for cheaper, faster ones. This attack-oriented style is shown by an average deal in rate (放銃率 - Houjuu ritsu) of around 13.8% across his two main Tenhou accounts. Yuuki's aggressive play is more strongly reflected in his higher than average hand win rate (和了率 - Houra ritsu), of 26.2% on his Onjouji怜 account, and an overall average of 24.2% across both accounts. In addition, Yuuki tends to be more of a Menzen-type player, shown by his overall high Riichi rate (立直率 - Riichi ritsu) above 21.9%, and more often than not - refuses to Damaten unless there is a clear advantage to doing so. Nonetheless, Yuuki does at times play like Atarashi Ako, a character in the Saki series who is unmatched in her speed through calling. Yuuki's Call rate (副露率 - Fuuro ritsu) across his two accounts is 36.1%, which is average, but his more recent Onjouji怜 account has a high call rate of 39.1%, showing clear influence from Ako's play. (Note that this is as of 9-07-18, and credit goes to Tina for her article on how to interpret Tenhou stats).

Yuuki tries to emulate Onjouji Toki's play-style in his overall mahjong play, by attempting to predict the tiles he will draw, and building his hand based on that, instead of going by probability. Toki is known for doing this with her future sight ability, which allows her to see exactly what tiles she will draw next. This makes her specialty Ippatsu Tsumo, as she Riichis when she sees that she will tsumo the next turn. While Yuuki is far from Toki's mahjong level and ability, he has shown flashes of Toki-style play, with instances including his chase of 2 Riichis (one was a dealer Riichi that happened to be a Sanmenchan wait) with a dora tanki only to Ippatsu Tsumo that hand; and his "Toki Kazoe" hand where he dama'd 3 turns before Riichi, and his Ippatsu Tsumo after the Riichi got him exactly 13 han.

Due to Yuuki's disdain for Miyanaga Saki, the protagonist of the Saki series who specializes in Rinshan kaihou 嶺上開花, he often rejects calling Kan. However, when he does Kan, it usually is not good for him. Instances of this include Yuuki getting hit by Chankan 搶槓 while trying to to rinshan, and more notably a time when he called Kan twice during his dealer Riichi, with a sanmenchan wait, but not only did he fail to Rinshan both times, but the kans gave an oikake Kamicha Riichi dora 10 after she tsumos, winning her a Sanbaiman, forcing Yuuki to pay the dealer penalty plus his riichi stick.

Yakuman Count

As of 09-04-2018, YuukiTheFlash's Yakuman count is at 6 (4 via Tenhou.net and 2 on real tiles). Only Yakuman scored in 4-Player are counted.


# Date Yakuman Room Oya Notes Source
1 06-10-2018 Daisangen 大三元 一般 No First Yakuman; ron on Toimen with a Hadaka tanki, but he shared the pain with Kamicha due to Sekinin barai. [12]
2 06-13-2018 Daisangen 大三元 上級 No A gyakuten ron 7 discards in, hitting the leader, Kamicha, on South 1 Honba 2. Also, in South 3, I was iishanten for a Shousuushii, Tsuuiisou. [13]
3 06-21-2018 Daisangen 大三元 上級 No Was in third, pushing for first, dropping dangerous tiles including dora to keep Daisangen tenpai, which paid off with a ron on Shimocha to win the game. [14]
4 08-31-2018 Shousuushii 小四喜 3003 Yes First Oya Yakuman, a gyakuten passing first place Kamicha, who was at 58k, to win the game. Ron on 鳥星雨 (Shimocha), who yelled "hit me" in voice chat right before being hit. [15]

Real Tiles

Date Yakuman Location Notes Source
06-20-2018 Kokushi Musou
Northwestern University Riichi Mahjong Club Play

Yuuki's first Yakuman on real tiles, ron on jigoku 9m. Meanwhile, Kyuu (Kamicha) had a Yakuman looking hand as well.

09-01-2018 Kazoe Yakuman
Casual Play with Family Friends

"Toki Kazoe" - Ippatsu Tsumo on takame for exactly 13 han (Riichi, Ippatsu, Tsumo, Pinfu, Ryanpeikou, Honitsu, Dora 2, Akadora 1).


Unusual Highlights

These are some unusual situations that YuukiTheFlash has been a part of, while playing Riichi Mahjong.

Date Location Situation Description Source
06-28-2018 Tenhou.net Agari Renchan Deny West Win - First to score over 30k points in West, and still not win under normal Tenhou rules. In South 4, Shimocha tsumo'd forcing a West round, as no one was above 30k (due to the Enchousen rule). Then in West 1, the dealer (Kamicha), and Yuuki double ron'd Toimen allowing Yuuki to pass 30k (going to 31.8k), while Kamicha goes to 29.9k. However, because of agari renchan, Kamicha is entitled to another hand, which he wins, passing Yuuki in West 1 Honba 1 to win the hanchan. [18]
08-11-2018 Chicago Area Mahjong Club Play Perfect Houtei Sanchahou 三家和 - One of three players to call ron on the houtei tile dropped by the dealer. In South 3 Honba 1, the dealer is in last and needed to push tenpai, despite one riichi being on the table. The dealer draws the haitei tile but is not tenpai and decides to drop the dangerous dora, which is the 4s, as the houtei tile. This prompts the 3 others players, who happen to be waiting on dora, to call ron, forcing a Tochuu ryuukyoku by Sanchahou, allowing the dealer to continue his dealership. In the picture, Yuuki is Kamicha, who was waiting on 1, 4, 7s, a Sanmentan wait. [19]
08-11-2018 Chicago Area Mahjong Club Play Saki Rinshan Curse - Punishing failure to Rinshan during his dealer riichi after 2 ankans. As dealer in East 1, Yuuki is the first one tenpai with 2 ankous in his hand, with a sanmenchan wait on 5m, 8m, and East, and so he Riichi's. During his Riichi he is able to Kan twice but fails to tinshan tsumo both times. Kamicha decides to oikake after receiving many dora in her hand from the kans. She ends up tsumoing and after the uradora flips she wins a Sanbaiman, (Riichi, Tsumo, Dora 6, Uradora 4). [20]

Interesting Yaku/Yaku Combinations

These are some of the more interesting Yaku combinations (non-Yakuman) that YuukiTheFlash has scored.

Date Location Yaku(s) of Interest Value Notes Source
06-19-2018 Tenhou 7863 Chankan, Ippatsu 8000 Yuuki's first Chankan ever scored happened to be paired with his favorite yaku, Ippatsu. The winning mangan in Oorasu allowed him to take second. [21]
07-17-2018 Tenhou 上級 Hatsu, Honitsu 5200 Almost a Ryuuiisou, but was not because of the 1s in Yuuki's winning hand. He wanted to decline the ron on Shimocha to get in tenpai for Ryuuisou with a 2s tanki, but had autowin turned on. From then on, Yuuki always has autowin turned off when playing on Tenhou.net. [22]
08-07-2018 Tenhou 7863 Ryanpeiko, Chanta 18000 Yuuki had a Chanta haipai and later declined a Chiitoitsu tenpai by dropping an aka 5s to go for Ryanpeiko with Chanta, waiting on a kanchan 8m with one already out and another in his hand. He decided to riichi his hand and ended up tsumoing the 8m for an oya haneman. [23]

Onjouji Toki ‎(園城寺 怜)

This section is dedicated to YuukiTheFlash's favorite mahjong player, Onjouji Toki (‎園城寺 怜), of the Saki series. Toki is Senriyama's Ace, playing in the Vanguard position, as she possesses the future sight ability which allows her to see several turns ahead on what tiles she or her opponents will draw. Thus, Yuuki rooted for the Senriyama team during the 71st Inter High School Mahjong Championships, where the team consisting of Onjouji Toki (Vanguard), Nijou Izumi (Sergeant), Eguchi Sera (Lieutenant), Funakubo Hiroko (Vice Captain), and Shimizudani Ryuuka (Captain) placed 5th out of 52 teams. Toki is also the main character of the manga, "Toki", a spinoff of the Saki series focusing on Toki during her elementary and middle school days.