
From Japanese Mahjong Wiki
Revision as of 10:50, 2 July 2017 by Senechal (talk | contribs) (Minor massage, and an addition to past tense verb neologisms (riichied, tsumoed, chomboed).)
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The following contains guidelines pertaining to grammar. For information regarding general edits, see General Guidelines.

American English

While this Wiki is written in English, the standard choice is American English. Here, all rules regarding grammar and vocabulary in accordance to American English apply.

Article naming

All articles begins with an uppercase letter. Other words in the title are to begin in lowercase. In other words, article names are to follow the pattern using all lower case besides the first letter, unless the article specifically uses a proper noun.

For example: Kokushi musou. Not Kokushi Musou.

Japanese romanization

  • Japanese should be transliterated following the Hepburn system[1]. E.g., jan, not jyan; tsuchi, not tuti.
  • Vowels in katakana should be replaced as if they were standard hiragana vowels.
Example: aa; ei; ii; ou; uu.
Exception: Words requiring the use of "oo" in standard language.
  • Compounds of 3 characters should remain together when possible, compounds of 4 or more should generally be split.
Example: Tsuuiisou 「字一色」 and daisangen 「大三元」 versus nagashi mangan 「流し満貫」.
Exception: Ikkitsuukan. The reason for this exception is that it is usually abbreviated as ittsuu.
  • The use of hyphens to link elements of a compound is discouraged. E.g., "nagashi mangan"; not "nagashi-mangan".
Exceptions: ari, nashi as either prefix or suffix; abbreviated tile names (7-pin).
  • All Japanese text within the articles must use the kana template.

Japanese nouns as verbs

Tile calls may be expressed both as nouns and verbs. The terms of "to pon", "to kan", "to chii" have been accepted into the mahjong vocabulary. The past tenses of these verbs are respectively "ponned", "kanned", and "chiied". Declarations, wins and other actions also follow the same rule, that is noun form + (double final n / drop final e) + "ed". This would give "riichied", "tsumoed", "chomboed".

  • Riichied can be pronounced "REE-cheed" or "REE-chd" (reached), but is always written the same.
  • Most words cannot be adapted in this way. Faulty example: ryuukyokued (use "drew the hand" or a similar expression).
  • The use of apostrophes in past tenses of neologisms is not recommended in sustained and formal writing (such as this wiki).

Japanese terminology vs English

A number of Japanese terms are apply to this game. However, neither readers nor even editors are required to know them all. New players are especially not required to know any of the terminology, even the yaku and tile calls. Though, the yaku and tile calls hold a special place within terminology, such that they're required knowledge in order become more familiar with the game.

So, this becomes a matter of how much terminology is used vs using direct English translation. Using Japanese terminology holds the advantage of conciseness. However, usage may become confusing, when such terms are "unfamiliar". On the other hand, English translation may lack an equivalent term or end up as "wordy". For now, discretion is required when utilizing terminology or translation. At this point, it becomes a balance between layman's terms and jargon.


A number of terms can be used interchangeably between the Japanese term and its English equivalent. A prime example involves tile groups, such as koutsu and triplet. The article content dictates terminology usage. More "advanced" content may lean more towards Japanese terminology, without concern for more "novice" readers. English equivalents to Japanese terms are best consulted in either the primary terminology list or the translation list. Once again, discretion is advised here.

Proper nouns

Article titles of proper nouns follow capitalization, similar to that of "book titles". The first letter to each word is capitalized, with exception to "a", "an", or "the". Plus, prepositions and conjunctions are also not capitalized, such as "on", "for", or "but".


Names of tournaments are classified as proper nouns. So, capitalization to these article names are applied as such.


It is established that the yaku are not to be treated as proper nouns. Therefore, proper noun capitalization does not apply to them.


It is important to note for any Wiki. Multiple users each have their own viewpoints. With regards to editing, users do their best to supplement as many readers and editors as possible. While agreement is ideal, dispute may be unavoidable. Individuals or groups of individuals should do their best arrive at some sort of compromise, in order to proceed with the editing process and ultimately produce a good referential product.

Gender neutral

It is important to note that players are a mix of both genders. So, articles are best written to address both, by using gender neutrality.


Articles and sections should be best written with generalizations in mind. Though, specific articles and sections may require specificity. This is particularly applicable pertaining to rule variations, where a multitude of different organizations have their own rules and approaches to the game.

Third person perspective

Articles are best written in third person. Third person applies game concepts with a more generalized viewpoint for everyone.

  • The use of the word "I" may be viewed as arrogance in relation to article writing.
  • The use of the word "you" may be viewed as condescending in relation to article writing.


External links