Polska Liga Mahjonga

Revision as of 11:26, 30 April 2018 by Grrzbaum (talk | contribs)

Polska Liga Mahjonga (Polish League of Mahjong, PLM) is the main mahjong organization in Poland. Since 2011, PLM is a member of the European Mahjong Association, and it oversees the organization of MERS tournaments in Poland. Poland has 3 member clubs and zones as of May 2018.

Polska Liga Mahjonga
Country Poland
Location Warsaw
Inception 2010
Leader Szymon Lasota, Chairman
Members 3 functioning clubs/zones (as of 2018.05)

Member organizations

  • Haneman Hunters
  • Riichi Mahjong Rzeszów
  • Poznański Klub Mahjonga

External Links

Their website