Matagi suji

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Matagi suji, or "straddle suji", is a form of discard reading. It states that, when a number tile is discarded early, nearby tiles become safer.

  • When a tile numbered 3-7 is discarded, the tiles +/- 2 away become safer.
  • When a tile numbered 2 or 8 is discarded, the 1-4 or 6-9 become safer, respectively.


Discard Remaining in Hand Matagi suji
2 23 1-4
3 23 or 34 1-4, 2-5
4 34 or 45 2-5, 3-6
5 45 or 56 3-6, 4-7
6 56 or 67 4-7, 5-8
7 67 or 78 5-8, 6-9
8 78 6-9


Matagi suji relies on the power of a shape like "223" or "334". When a player has a 233 in hand, it is unlikely that they would discard a 3 early, since it would come at a loss of tile efficiency. Therefore, if an opponent discards a 3 early, it is unlikely that they have an incomplete "23" remaining in hand. Therefore, it's less likely for them to have a wait on 2 or 5 of that suit (since "23" waits on 1-4).

Tiles towards the outside of a discarded tile are much safer than those towards the inside. For example, after an opponent discards a 3, a 1 is safer than 5. This is because middle tiles are more dangerous; if an opponent discards a 3, they could still be holding a "67" ryanmen, waiting on a 5.

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