Tenhou.net rules: Difference between revisions

Fix translation of 純正巡消しは…
(Honba is paid by liable player in case of pao)
(Fix translation of 純正巡消しは…)
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| Japanese = 純正巡消しは発声&和了打診後(加槓のみ)、嶺上ツモの前(連続する加槓の2回目には一発は付かない)
| Japanese = 純正巡消しは発声&和了打診後(加槓のみ)、嶺上ツモの前(連続する加槓の2回目には一発は付かない)
| English  = You may not selectively ron a player in one turn (includes chankan) - i.e. if you pass a winning tile dropped by one player in one turn, you may not ron from another player who discards the same tile in that turn.
| English  = When a call is made, normal turn order is interrupted after a possible ron declaration (in case of kakan) but before a replacement tile draw. (In case of consecutive kan, ron on the second kakan does not award ippatsu.)
