Kyuu is a Turd, pass the word.

Mahjong hand practice

Working on a DDLC mod to teach people how to play mahjong so here are some sample tiles to use.

: waiting for or or to develop

: waiting for or or or to develop

Side Wait (Ryanmen Wait): Wait(s): or

Closed Wait (Kanchan Wait): Wait(s):

Edge Wait (Penchan Wait): Wait(s):

Double Pair Wait (Shanpon Wait): Wait(s): or

Single Tile Wait (Tanki Wait): Wait(s):

Sanmenchan: Wait(s): or or

Nobetan: Wait(s): or

Sanmentan: Wait(s): or or

Entotsu: Wait(s): or or

Ryantan: Wait(s): or or

Kantan: Wait(s): or

Pentan: Wait(s): or

Tatsumaki: Wait(s): Any tiles from the