Welcome to this Japanese Mahjong Wiki, KyuuAA.

Japanese mahjong is a fairly complex game, with a high learning curve requiring a tremendous amount of knowledge to play. The learning curve is long, and the game complexity is deep. If you're someone curious enough to learn the game or aspire to be some kind of mahjong pro, then perhaps this wiki may help you in your game development. Regardless of your gameplay level, enjoy the material presented here; and more importantly, enjoy the game of Japanese mahjong.

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KyuuAA (talk) 17:58, 31 July 2013 (UTC)

Pyon :V

Hullo KyuuAA :D

Sorry for making you clean up my little mess, haha. I should've known better. Thanks, though!

I wanted to say hi! I actually picked up Mahjong more seriously thanks to you. My friend introduced me to tenhou and one day when we were trying to get into a game on 7447, you joined us and killed him during East-1. Your dealer round with 3 bonus rounds! I was fired up and I tried to win as many hands as I could next game but it was no good, haha. SO- I started playing a lot more on the main server, sharpening up my basic mahjong and whatnot (learning the all of the yaku huehue).

So thanks for that game! It was super encouraging to me as a player :D

I'm gonna get super good and beat you sometime (`・ω´・)~

Sincerely, Nate Pyon


Thats because I'm so much better than you.... <.<

Oh, btw, not sure i like the added picture (iormc) .. makes it look bloaty.. dunno what should be done thou

Yazphier (talk) 23:06, 3 November 2015 (UTC)

I'll get to 5d m'self. And unfortunately, the tournament doesn't have a logo; and it's the best we can get. KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 00:08, 4 November 2015 (UTC)

MPGB review

http://www.technologytell.com/gaming/142550/mahjong-pretty-girls-battle-can-frustrating/ KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 03:47, 19 June 2016 (UTC)

More stats

KyuuSC (talk) 11:41, 17 November 2017 (UTC)