Template:Paifu player

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East : {{{playername}}} CollapsePoint exchange
Start hand (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {) Start points
Point exch
Honba pts
Riichi pts

Score update
Tile calls (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Tile draws/claimed (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Discards (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Finish hand (MahjongTile error: unrecognised or stray character: {)
Documentation icon Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]
{{paifu player| 
| paifuwidth     = 
| endresultcolor = 
| playerseat     = 
| playername     = 
| startpoints    = 
| pointexchanged = 
| honbapts       = 
| riichipoints   = 
| totalpoints    = 
| starthand      = 
| tilecall       = 
| tiledraws      = 
| tilediscards   = 
| riichi         = 
| endhand        = 