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==Named patterns==
==Named patterns==
{| class="wikitable"
! Name !! Pattern !! Waiting
{{#mjt:000000z45678s00z}} Waiting for: {{#mjt:3s}}, {{#mjt:6s}}, or {{#mjt:9s}}
! colspan=3| Description
[[Ryanmenten]] is the most common form of the three-sided wait.  This involves two ryanmen, connected by one mutual waiting tile in the middle.  The wait always points to one of the full [[suji]] patterns.
| [[Ryanmenten]] || {{#mjt:000000z45678s00z}} || {{#mjt:3s}}, {{#mjt:6s}}, or {{#mjt:9s}}
{{#mjt:11m45666s000000z}} Waiting for: {{#mjt:1m}}, {{#mjt:3s}}, or {{#mjt:6s}}
| colspan=3| This is the most common form of the three-sided wait.  This involves two ryanmen, connected by one mutual waiting tile in the middle.  The wait always points to one of the full [[suji]] patterns.
[[Entotsu]] incorporates the [[shanpon]] wait and a [[ryanmen]].  The pattern always includes a ryanmen wait, tied to a triplet of one of the waiting tiles.  On top of that, any paired tile can be used with it.
| [[Entotsu]] || {{#mjt:11m45666s000000z}} || {{#mjt:1m}}, {{#mjt:3s}}, or {{#mjt:6s}}
| colspan=3|
{{#mjt:4555m000000000}} Waiting for: {{#mjt:3m}}, {{#mjt:4m}}, {{#mjt:6m}}
| [[Ryantan]] || {{#mjt:4555m000000000}} || {{#mjt:3m}}, {{#mjt:4m}}, {{#mjt:6m}}
[[Ryantan]] is composed of a triplet of a middle numbered tile with one more tile adjacent to the number either one less or one more.  The single tile produces a tanki wait, while being part of the ryanment wait.
| colspan=3|
{{#mjt:2345678p000000z}} Waiting for: {{#mjt:2p}}, {{#mjt:5p}}, or {{#mjt:8p}}
| [[Sanmentan]] || {{#mjt:2345678p000000z}} || {{#mjt:2p}}, {{#mjt:5p}}, or {{#mjt:8p}}
[[Sanmentan]] uses three tanki along the suji.  This pattern uses seven consecutive tiles.
| colspan=3|



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