International Online Riichi Mahjong Competition

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The International Online Riichi Mahjong Competition is a yearly Tenhou tournament organized by the Korean Mahjong League. In August 2011, the competition originally began as a contest between Korean players and Japanese players. By the third year, the contest expanded to include teams from China, Hong Kong, and Russia.





Country Players
Korea exist, Reality, ninaka, Noie
China 平井銀二, XW, 萌えの神, CRAZYRAT
Japan 女子力☆ごりら, ゃょぃ, YUKI.N>_, 宇治抹千夜
Russia ;_;, P.Fovuth, Q**, FandrFa
Hong Kong 上家は怪しい!!, 白河いおり, pan0907, 66A678E7
United Kingdom Tammy, pmb45, Mariusz, タイムアタック

Past winners

Year Best Country Individual 1st Individual 2nd Individual 3rd
2014 Russia exist ;_; Reality

External links