Ittsuu vs sanshoku

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Ittsuu and sanshoku doujun are similar, but incompatible, yaku, since a hand does not have enough space for both. When a hand has the potential to score one or the other, a player must choose which to aim for.

Hand state where both yaku are viable.
A choice given between two forms of sanshoku (123 or 234) and ittsuu.


Ittsuu and sanshoku require 3 specific sequences. They are both worth 2 han closed, and 1 han open.

According to monthly data in, sanshoku is around twice as frequent as ittsu. This is due to a few reasons:

  • It is easier to make a 345 sequence than a 123 sequence. To make 345, a player can have {34, 35, 45} in hand. To make 123, a player can only have {12, 23} in hand. This means that a middle tile sanshoku is easier than a regular ittsuu.
  • Players prefer middle tiles over terminals for tile efficiency reasons. This means they are more likely to have a 34 or 45 ryanmen than a 12 penchan or 23 ryanmen. This means that it is easier to incidentally form sanshoku than it is ittsuu.

Sanshoku is compatible with tanyao and chanta/junchan, while ittsu is compatible with honitsu/chinitsu.


Typically, it is best to go for the yaku that is easier to confirm / takes less steps to confirm. If a hand is one tile away from ittsuu, but two tiles from sanshoku, then it should obviously go for ittsu all else equal.

Other than that, consider what other yaku the hand can achieve. A hand that can score pinfu, and can choose between a 12 penchan (for ittsu) or 45 ryanmen (For sanshoku), should pick sanshoku to guarantee pinfu.

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