Mahjong strategy

The game complexity of Japanese mahjong bears an equally complex set of tactics and strategies to consider. While luck is an element of the game, strategy is required to minimize the effects of luck.



A number of defensive strategies can be employed to minimize point losses. If anything, many game outcomes are mostly decided by direct point losses.

Digital vs occult

Despite the variations methods to play the game, play styles can be summed up under two general categories: digital and occult.


Often, players may find themselves utilizing riichi or abstaining from riichi. This decision often rests on the point standings, the current hand and round, and the hand's value.

Starting hands

With each hand, every player is dealt with a starting hand. Looking at the tiles, it is up to each player to determine the best choice of tiles to attain tenpai quickly. If possible, a player can take the start hand and speculate, which yaku is the best fit.

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