
Majsoul (aka Mahjong Soul, Jantama, Jakhon) is a Japanese mahjong game platform developed by CATFOOD STUDIO and distributed by Yostar.


Majsoul logo
Publisher Yostar
Platform Browser
Year 2018

The platform functions as a gacha game. Players may use in game currency to access various functions, such as items and ingame characters. On occasion, periodical events are available for special items, characters, and/or bonuses.

A tournament suite is available for users to become hosts and create their own tournaments. The interface allows hosts to set up tournament systems and custom rules not available in the main platform.

Emoticon panel used during games.


The Mahjong Soul ladder is available across three different server groups: Chinese (CN), Japanese (JP), and English (EN). They all follow the same ranking system.


Room Required Rank Required Copper Coins
East South
Entry Limit Entry Fee Entry Limit Entry Fee
Bronze Room Novice, Adept 0 0 0 0
Silver Room Adept, Expert 2500 500 3500 700
Gold Room Expert, Master 5000 1000 1400
Jade Room Master, Saint 10000 2000 14000 2800
Throne Room Saint, Celestial
Special Rooms (Depends on room requirements)
  • "Entry Limit" is the minimum # of copper you must have in order to enter the room.
  • "Entry Fee" is the actual cost when a match is started. The entry fee is not reflected when looking at the end-of-match result screen

Misc Notes:

  • Players are not allowed to stream Throne Room matches in real-time. A delay of 5 minutes should be applied when performing a stream.
  • In-game Hints are disabled in Throne Room.
  • Matches in Special Rooms do not affect the player's rank, and are recorded in a separate section of the statistics screen.
  • Special room matches may or may not cost copper. Rooms that cost copper are usually priced identically to Silver Room. Only rooms that cost copper may contribute towards Casual Chest progress.


Rank Initial Pts Upgrading Pts Penalty of Last Place
(East / South)
0 20 0 / 0
★★ 80
★★★ 200
300 600 10 / 20
★★ 400 800 20 / 40
★★★ 500 1000 30 / 60
600 1200 40 / 80
★★ 700 1400 50 / 100
★★★ 1000 2000 60 / 120
1400 2800 80 / 165
★★ 1600 3200 90 / 180 (4P) 95 / 190 (3P)
★★★ 1800 3600 100 / 195 (4P) 110 / 215 (3P)
2000 4000 110 / 210 (4P) 125 / 240 (3P)
★★ 3000 6000 120 / 225 (4P) 140 / 265 (3P)
★★★ 4500 9000 130 / 240 (4P) 160 / 290 (3P)
Celestial Konten 10 SP 20 SP Not applied

Your rank will be downgraded if you fall below 0 rank points. You cannot demote from Adept to Novice, and you cannot downgrade while in Novice, but all other ranks allow demotion.

Celestial Ranking

In Celestial, a special ranking system is applied. Players are ranked by a numerical level, as well as using a different way to calculate ranking points.

Each level starts with 10 Soul Points, requiring 20 points to upgrade. Losing all the points will lead to a downgrade. Unlike in the past, it is possible to downgrade to Saint III when losing all Soul Points at Celestial Lv. 1.

The gain/loss of Soul Points is only determined by rank; end score does not matter. In addition, when all the players are Celestial in a single match, the soul-point changing is doubled.

Soul Points
4P 3P
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd
Rank East +0.3 +0.1 -0.1 -0.3 +0.3 ±0 -0.3
South +0.5 +0.2 -0.2 -0.5 +0.5 ±0 -0.5
End-Score Not applied


Calculation of Rank Points

  • Oka Points: Not applied
  • Uma Points:
    • 4P: 1st +15, 2nd +5, 3rd -5, 4th -15
    • 3P: 1st +15, 2nd ±0, 3rd -15
  • Starting Points: 4P 25000; 3P 35000
  • RankPts: See below table.
Rank Points
Room 4P (East / South) 3P (East / South)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd
Bronze Room +10 / +20 +5 / +10 ±0 Dependent on current rank +15 / +30 ±0 Dependent on current rank
Silver Room +20 / +40 +10 / +20 +30 / +60
Gold Room +40 / +80 +20 / +40 +55 / +105
Jade Room +55 / +110 +30 / +55 +75 / +160
Throne Room +60 / +120 +30 / +60 +120 / +240

Formula: PtsGain = (RawScore - StartingPts) / 1000 + UmaPts + RankPts

The result is always rounded up to an integer. (e.g. +68.2 → +69, -1.9 → -1)

In summary, the reward for 1st/2nd is based on the room, while the penalty for last is based on your rank. Placing 3rd in 4-player, or 2nd in 3-player, results in no rank change (other than uma and final score). E.g., if you play a 4-player game, and place 3rd with 25000 points, you'll end up losing 5 rank points from the uma penalty.

Calculation of Copper Coins

An example of Copper-coin's calculation

The calculation of copper coins is a bit complex.

The Entry Fee is always applied as long as a match is taken successfully, although it's not shown in the final result.

For the Gain/Loss of a match, the calculation is as follows:

  1. Calculate End Score based on final point results.
  2. Calculate Copper-coin lost for negative End Scores based on the exchange rate. The lost is always capped to a maximum lost (MaximumLost = EntryLimit - EntryFee) if exceeded the limit (EndScore < -40).
    Room Entry Limit / Entry Fee Maximum Lost Exchange Rate
    Bronze Room 0 / 0 - -
    Silver Room East
    2500 / 500
    3500 / 700
    Gold Room East
    5000 / 1000
    7000 / 1400
    Jade Room East
    10000 / 2000
    14000 / 2800
    Throne Room East
    10000 / 2000
    14000 / 2800

    Formula: CoinsLost = EndScore<-40 ? MaximumLost : EndScore*ExchangeRate

  3. Sum up the total lost.
  4. Distribute the coins proportionally to other players based on End Score.

    Formula: CoinsGain = Sum(CoinsLosts) * EndScore / Sum(PositiveEndScores)

In short:

  • You always lose the entry fee. Therefore, over long periods of play, you should expect to lose copper (unless you are much better than the opponents).
  • You gain/lose copper for every 1000 points you gain/lose in game.
  • When an opponent is sent below a certain threshold, their copper penalty is capped. The winner's copper gain is reduced proportionally.


Room Chest Name 4P East 4P South 3P East 3P South Required Pts
to Open
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
Silver Room Silver Chest +260 +130 +95 +60 +360 +180 +130 +80 +170 +100 +40 +240 +135 +50 1000
Gold Room Gold Chest +260 +130 +95 +60 +360 +180 +130 +80 +170 +100 +40 +240 +135 +50 1000
Jade Room Jade Chest +260 +130 +95 +60 +360 +180 +130 +80 +170 +100 +40 +240 +135 +50 1000
Throne Room Throne Chest +260 +130 +95 +60 +360 +180 +130 +80 +170 +100 +40 +240 +135 +50 1000
Special Rooms Casual Chest [note 1] +260 +130 +95 +60 +360 +180 +130 +80 +170 +100 +40 +240 +135 +50 1000

Chest Items

Room Chest Name Available Items Quantity
Silver Room Silver Chest Green Presents, Spheres, rarely Blue Presents 1-2
Gold Room Gold Chest Green Presents, Spheres, rarely Blue Presents 1-2
Jade Room Jade Chest Blue Presents, Spheres, sometimes Green Presents 2
Throne Room Throne Chest Blue Presents, Spheres, sometimes Green Presents 2
Special Rooms Casual Chest [note 1] Green Presents, Spheres, rarely Blue Presents 1-2

East vs South


  • There are 3 components to rank point calculation: final raw score (score at the end), uma (bonus for placement), and "RankPts" (another bonus for placement).
  • Compared to East, South doubles "RankPts", but does not double uma or final raw score. This means two 1st-place East games > one 1st-place South game. For example:
    • Silver Room, 1st place, 4-player East round, 30k score: (30000 - 25000)/1000 + 15 + 20 = 40 points/game, or 80 points for two games.
    • Silver Room, 1st place, 4-player South round, 35k raw match score: (35000 - 25000)/1000 + 15 + 40 = 65 points/game, which is worse than 2 East round games.
  • Therefore, if you are significantly better than the competition, playing East round games will result in a faster rank up than South round games.
  • However, once you reach Master 3 or higher, the 4th place penalty is relatively bigger in East than South; two last place finishes in East loses more points than one last place South. At that point onwards, it's better to play South.

Character Bonding:

  • For chest progress and bond points, it is faster to play East than South. South lasts about twice as long for only +50% more progress/game.


Currently, there are 99 characters available:

  • 60 characters are permanently available as starting characters or in the gacha, the rest are limited-time only.
  • 72 females, 27 males.

Every user is granted access to Ichihime and Miki Nikaidou. Additional characters must be summoned via the gacha system, with Jade as currency or with the Summon Scroll item. Jade can only be acquired via monetary purchase, while Summon Scrolls may be obtained via events, system mail as gifts, or purchase in the item shop.

Most non-collab characters are always available in the gacha. The others (including most collab characters) can only be obtained in the gacha for a limited time.

Bond System

Each character has their own Bond Value, which can be increased by playing games (in rooms that cost copper) or giving gifts to the character. At the maximum affection level, all voice lines will be unlocked, and the character will read out yakus after winning a hand. After reaching the max bond level, characters can be "bonded" to unlock new appearance as a skin that can be chosen, accompanying with 3 extra emotes.

Bonding Stage
Level Upgrading Total Required Notable Rewards
2000 2000 * First-place voice
❤❤ 6000 8000
❤❤❤ 10000 18000
❤❤❤❤ 20000 38000 * Story rewards [note 2]
❤❤❤❤❤ 50000 88000 * Story rewards [note 2]
* Yaku spelling
* Gain gifts in place of bond points
💛💛💛💛💛 Bond with required resources * Story rewards [note 2]
* Bonded skin
* Extra emotes x3
* SP voice

Bond points can be acquired as follows:

  • Completing a match in Silver Room or higher:
    • 4P East +40, 4P South +60; 3P East +25, 3P South +40 (regardless of room rank).
    • VIP points (obtained for buying with real currency) will increase the amount bond points gained. (See Charge-related Titles section)
  • Gifting directly:
    • Green Presents +200, Blue +1000, Purple +5000.
    • If the character prefers a specific type of gift, said gifts give a bonus of +50%. Usually, gifts listed in the character's interest section are prefered.[note 3].

When playing with a character with 5 hearts of bond, any accumulated bond points are instead used to gain gifts. For every 1000 points obtained, you gain a "bond gift". Like other blue gifts, this can given to another character for +1000 bond points, or donated for 5 star dust. Bond gifts do not count towards the daily gift limit.


Gifts can be given to a character to increase your bond with that character (see Bond System section), or turned into star dusts if they can be donated. 50 star dusts can be used at the shop to attempt getting larger rewards, including a new character.

Gift Quality Resulting Star Dust
Green 1
Blue 5
Purple 25


Stories are character-exclusive contents provided freely to players who owned the corresponding character. Stories can be accessed in each character's info page in dormitory. The former 3 bonding stages contain novel-like descriptive contents. The latter 3 stages provide interactive contents, with multiple branches and different rewards correspondingly. Higher stages contain better rewards.

Currently, there are only 4 characters with story plots: Ichihime, Miki Nikaidou, Anju Suzumiya and Joseph.


Apart from standard and bonded skins of each character, more alternative skins can be acquired during events. In the vast majority of cases, these skins both require monetary purchase, by using Outfit Vouchers. Usually each static skin requires 880 vouchers, while animated requires 1,500, and both accompanying with one extra emote.

Outfit Vouchers can be converted to Jades at a 1:1 rate, though this is less efficient than buying Jade directly. Jade cannot be converted to Outfit Vouchers, nor can Jade be used to purchase skins in any means.

Exclusive Characters

Exclusive characters are characters can be acquired only in a limited timeframe, usually during an event. Regular character pools do not contain them after the acquisition period. Usually, those characters originate from from different animation / manga series, though a few are official characters that are rarity buped.

Collab Characters

Currently, there have been 9 collabs:

  • Linovel: Collab from the light novel website Linovel, including 1 character: Keikumusume.
  • Saki: Collab from the manga series Saki: the Nationals, including 8 characters: Saki Miyanaga, Nodoka Haramura, Koromo Amae, Teru Miyanaga, Hisa Takei, Mihoko Fukuji, Ako Atarashi, Toki Onjoji
  • Kakegurui: Collab from the manga series Kakegurui XX, including 4 characters: Yumeko Jabami, Mary Saotome, Midari Ikishima, Kirari Momobami.
  • Akagi: Collab from the manga series Akagi: The Genius Who Descended into the Darkness, including 2 characters: Shigeru Akagi, Iwao Washizu.
  • Kaguya-sama: Collab from the manga series Kaguya-sama: Love Is War -Ultra Romantic-, including 4 characters: Kaguya Shinomiya, Miyuki Shirogane, Ai Hayasaka, Kei Shirogane.
  • Fate/Prisma Illya: Collab from the manga series Fate/Prisma Illya, including 4 characters: Illya, Miyu, Kuro, Gil.
  • Code Geass: Collab from the anime series Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, including 4 characters: Lelouch Lamperouge, C.C., Suzaku Kururugi, Kallen Kouzuki.
  • Blue Archive: Collab from the mobile game Blue Archive, including 4 characters: Shiroko, Hoshino, Mutsuki, Aru.
  • IDOLM@STER Shiny Colors: Collab from game IDOLM@STER Shiny Colors, including 4 characters: Toru Asakura, Madoka Higuchi, Koito Fukumaru, Hinana Ichikawa.

Self-exclusive Characters

Self-exclusive characters are Mahjong Soul-original characters that can only be acquired in a limited timeframe. Unlike the collabs, they have a lower rate to summon, and require 300 faith (instead of the usual 150) to exchange. To compensate, the bonding stage rewards extra equipment or decorations, and their bonding skin is animated.

Currently, 4 characters are officially exclusive: Kazuha Saionji, Lily Kitahara, Kurone Toujou, Fuuka Minami.


There are two major types of currency and many sub-currencies.


Copper is the "free-to-play" currency. It can be used for:

  • Entering matches. A set amount of copper is required to enter matches, including all ranked matches past bronze room.
  • Buying gifts (Shop -> Misc). Gifts can be given to characters to increase bond points. Gifts can also be turned into stardust (Inventory), which can then be used to buy summon scrolls.

Copper can be obtained by:

  • Winning matches (though note the entry fee).
  • Daily quests - every day, 1 quest is given. Completing the quest gives a rank-dependent amount of copper. Up to 3 quests can be accumulated at once.
  • Revival tokens - if you are Adept or higher, and below a certain threshold of copper, you may claim free copper once per day.
  • Various events and gifts by Yostar.


Jade is the "premium" currency. Despite the mention of free jade, there is no way to obtain jade in-game without paying real money. Jade is primarily used to buy summons. It can also be used to rename your account, create tournaments, rerolling the shop, or can be exchanged for a small amount of copper.


  • "Premium jade" is the jade you buy directly with real money. Premium jade is not shared between platforms. Therefore, when switching between platforms, your jade count may change.
  • "Free jade" is the jade obtained daily with the Fortune Charm (not including the 300 jade obtained immediately when buying the charm). Free jade persists between platforms.

Other currencies

  • Outfit vouchers are bought with real money, and can be used to buy cosmetics (character skins, backgrounds). They can be converted into jade at an inefficient rate, but jade cannot be converted back to outfit vouchers.
  • Gifts be given to increase a character's bond points. They can also be converted into stardust (Inventory -> Donate), which can then be converted into summon scrolls. In addition, characters will require purple gifts of certain type in order to reach their maximum bond.
  • Spheres can be used to buy loading screens (Shop -> Illustration), and spheres are required to reach a character's maximum bond.
  • Bond points are used to level up your character. (See the Bond System section for more details.)
  • Faith is obtained whenever you make a summon (1 faith : 1 summon). They function as the game's "pity" system - 150 faith can be redeemed for a character of your choice, and it can be used to buy other things as well.
  • Wishing stones are obtained when obtaining a duplicate character. They can also be obtained by spending faith (1 faith : 1 wishing stone). Wishing stones can be used to buy purple gifts, spheres, and are required to reach a character's maximum bond.
  • Star stones are obtained when obtaining a duplicate, non-character cosmetic. They can be used to buy certain cosmetics or blue gifts.



  • Ranked Matches:
    • 4-Player East
    • 4-Player South
    • 3-Player East
    • 3-Player South
  • Friendly Matches:
    • Mode: 4-Player / 3-Player
    • Length: One-Game Ikkyokusen / East Tonpuusen / South Hanchan / Vs AI
    • Thinking time: 3+5s / 5+10s / 5+20s / 60+0s / 300+0s
    • Advanced settings:
      • Local yakus (4P): Disabled by default
      • Tsumo-loss (3P): Enabled by default
      • Red Fives: None / 2 (3P) / 3 (4P) / 4 (4P)
      • Open Tanyao: Enabled by default
      • Minimum han: 1 / 2 / 4
      • In-game hints: Enabled by default
      • Computer level: Easy / Normal
      • Show all hands: Disabled by default
  • Tournaments: Available [1]


  • All Simples in opened hand (Kuitan): Allowed
  • Gaining yaku upon the claim of a winning tile (Atozuke): Allowed
  • Swap calling (Kuikae): Not allowed
  • Red fives: 3 tiles (1 for each suit)
  • Double-wind pair: 4 fu
  • Multiple rons: Available
    • Riichi deposits: Winner closest in turn order to the discarder takes all (atamahane)
  • Dealership holding (Renchan):
    • Multiple rons: Keeps as long as dealer wins, otherwise rotates
    • Mangan at Draw (Nagashi Mangan): Keeps as long as dealer is ready (Tenpai), while rotates if not (No-ten)
  • Extended match / Extra wind round (Enchousen): Applied
  • Bankruptcy (Tobi):
    • Negative points: Applied
    • Zero point: Not applied
  • Kandora flipping:
    • Closed kan: Flips immediately
    • Opened kan: Flips after
  • Closed kan during Riichi is allowed as long as:
    • The tile for kan is drawn instantly.
    • The wait pattern does not change after the kan.
  • Seat wind tie-breaker: Applied
  • Leftover riichi deposits: Go to 1st place
  • Abortive Draws (Tochuu Ryuukyoku):


Yaku Table
  • Red: Closed-hand only;
  • Green: Decreases 1 han when opened;
  • Blue: Open-hand allowed.
1 Han
  • Riichi


  • Fully Concealed Hand

    Menzen Tsumo

  • Pinfu


  • Pure Double Sequence


  • Ippatsu


  • All Simples


  • Prevalent Wind


  • Seat Wind


  • Dragons


  • Robbing a Kan


  • After a Kan

    Rinshan Kaihou

  • Under the River

    Houtei Raoyui

  • Under the Sea

    Haitei Raoyue

2 Han
  • Double Riichi

    Daburu Riichi

  • Seven Pairs


  • Half Outside Hand

    Honchantaiyao / Chanta

  • Pure Straight

    Ikkitsuukan / Ittsuu

  • Mixed Triple Sequence

    Sanshoku Doujun / Sanshoku

  • Triple Triplets

    Sanshoku Doukou

  • Three Quads


  • All Triplets


  • Three Concealed Triplets


  • Little Three Dragons


  • All Terminals and Honors


3 Han
  • Twice Pure Double Sequence


  • Fully Outside Hand

    Junchantaiyao / Junchan

  • Half Flush


6 Han
  • Full Flush


  • Mangan at Draw

    Nagashi Mangan

  • Blessing of Heaven


  • Blessing of Earth


  • Four Concealed Triplets


  • Thirteen Orphans

    Kokushi Musou

  • Nine Gates

    Chuuren Poutou

  • Big Three Dragons


  • All Honors

    Tsuu Iisou

  • All Green

    Ryuu Iisou

  • All Terminals


  • Four Little Winds


  • Four Quads


Double Yakuman
  • Single-wait Four Concealed Triplets

    Suuankou Tanki

  • Thirteen-wait Thirteen Orphans

    Kokushi Musou Juusanmen Machi

  • True Nine Gates

    Junsei Chuuren Poutou

  • Four Big Winds



  • Pinfu (Pinfu): Tsumo 20 fu, Ron 30 fu
  • Seven Pairs (Chiitoitsu): 25 fu
  • Ippatsu (Ippatsu) / Under the Sea (Haitei Raoyue) cannot be combined with After a Kan (Rinshan Kaihou)
  • Robbing a concealed kan with Thirteen Orphans (Kokushi Musou): Allowed
  • Robbing a concealed kan with Nine Gates (Chuuren Poutou): Not allowed
  • Responsibility payment (Sekinin barai / Pao):
    • Apply for: Big Three Dragons (Daisangen), Four Big Winds (Daisuushi)
    • Composite yakuman: Seperated responsibility for each yakuman [2]
  • The dealer starts with 14 tiles directly, instead of regular 13+1 tiles. This means that, when scoring Blessing of Heaven (Tenhou), any tile can be treated as the tsumo tile. (By default, the tile last in the regular sorting order is treated as the winning tile.)
Since hands are always scored for the highest value, and any tile can be treated as the winning tile, combining tenhou with suuankou, kokushi musou, or chuuren poutou will always score their double yakuman variations (suuankou tanki, kokushi 13-wait, chuuren 9-wait), for a total value of triple yakuman. [3]


3P-Mahjong (Sanma) is a variation that allows 3 players to start a game. The ruleset of Majsoul sanma is nearly identical to Tenhou sanma.

There are two different scoring mechanics ingame, by default Tsumo-Loss is applied in Ranked Matches, while North-Bisection is provided as an alternative option in Friendly Matches.

Ruleset in details

  • Starting points: 35000, End points: 40000
  • Uma points: First +15, Second ±0, Third -15
  • Rinshan-tile amount: 8 tiles
  • Tiles from   to   are not used, thus Mixed Triple Sequence (Sanshoku Doujun) yaku is unavailable.
  • When Dora indicator is  , Dora is  .
  • Red fives: 2 tiles (  and  )
  • Honba point: 200 points for each Honba stick
  • No-ten penalty: 2000 points
  • Completing a sequence by calling Chii: Disabled
  • North can be used for replacement dora "Kita" (Nukidora / Kita).
    • After a Kan (Rinshan Kaihou) yaku is scored when winning a hand with rinshan tile from North replacing.
    • North replacing can be used for ron even without a yakuman hand. However, Robbing a Kan (Chankan) yaku is not scored, the hand itself still requires another yaku to win with.
    • North replacing cannot be claimed immediately right after Pon.
    • North replacing is similar to a calling action, thus it nullify Ippatsu (Ippatsu), Blessing of Earth (Chiihou), Nine Different Terminals and Honors (Kyuushu Kyuuhai) and Double Riichi (Daburu Riichi).
    • North replacing does not cause furiten if waiting for North.
  • A North in hand is treated as a guest wind tile (Otakaze), a triplet of North cannot get 1 han as Value Tiles (Yakuhai / Fanpai).
  • Due to the lack of a fourth player, there is no abortive draws for four-wind discarded (Suufon Renda) or four-player riichi (Suucha Riichi).

Calculation of Scoring Points

Currently there are 2 different scoring methods ingame:

  • Tsumo-Loss (default, always used in Ranked): Winner loses the income from North seat when the hand is completed by Tsumo.
  • North-Bisection: The income from North is equally divided and distributed towards every other seats.

The scoring table with Tsumo-Loss is basically identical to regular 4P-mahjong:

3P-Mahjong Scoring Table (Tsumo-Loss)
1 Han 2 Han 3 Han 4 Han
20 Fu
-/- [-]

400/700 [1100]

700/1300 [2000]

1300/2600 [3900]
25 Fu
-/- [-]
-/- [-]
800/1600 [2400]
1600/3200 [4800]
30 Fu 1000
300/500 [-]
500/1000 [1500]
1000/2000 [3000]
2000/3900 [5900]
40 Fu 1300
400/700 [1100]
700/1300 [2000]
1300/2600 [3900]
50 Fu 1600
400/800 [1200]
800/1600 [2400]
1600/3200 [4800]
60 Fu 2000
500/1000 [1500]
1000/2000 [3000]
2000/3900 [5900]
70 Fu 2300
600/1200 [1800]
1200/2300 [3500]
2000/4000 [6000]
80 Fu 2600
700/1300 [2000]
1300/2600 [3900]
90 Fu 2900
800/1500 [2300]
1500/2900 [4400]
100 Fu 3200
800/1600 [2400]
1600/3200 [4800]
110 Fu 3600
-/- [-]
1800/3600 [5400]
1 Han 2 Han 3 Han 4 Han
20 Fu
- [-]

700All [1400]

1300All [2600]

2600All [5200]
25 Fu
- [-]
- [-]
1600All [3200]
3200All [6400]
30 Fu 1500
500All [1000]
1000All [2000]
2000All [4000]
3900All [7800]
40 Fu 2000
700All [1400]
1300All [2600]
2600All [5200]
50 Fu 2400
800All [1600]
1600All [3200]
3200All [6400]
60 Fu 2900
1000All [2000]
2000All [4000]
3900All [7800]
70 Fu 3400
1200All [2400]
2300All [4600]
4000All [8000]
80 Fu 3900
1300All [2600]
2600All [5200]
90 Fu 4400
1500All [3000]
2900All [5800]
100 Fu 4800
1600All [3200]
3200All [6400]
110 Fu 5300
- [-]
3600All [7200]
Mangan or above
Non-dealer Dealer
Mangan 8000
2000/4000 [6000]
4000All [8000]
Haneman 12000
3000/6000 [9000]
6000All [12000]
Baiman 16000
4000/8000 [12000]
8000All [16000]
Sanbaiman 24000
6000/12000 [18000]
12000All [24000]
Yakuman 32000
8000/16000 [24000]
16000All [32000]

When North-Bisection is applied, the scoring table on Tsumo is as follows:

3P-Mahjong Scoring Table (Bisection on North's income)
1 Han 2 Han 3 Han 4 Han
20 Fu
-/- [-]

600/900 [1500]

1100/1700 [2800]

2000/3300 [5500]
25 Fu
-/- [-]
-/- [-]
1200/2000 [3200]
2400/4000 [6400]
30 Fu 1000
500/700 [1200]
800/1300 [2100]
1500/2500 [4000]
3000/4900 [7900]
40 Fu 1300
600/900 [1500]
1100/1700 [2800]
2000/3300 [5300]
50 Fu 1600
600/1000 [1600]
1200/2000 [3200]
2400/4000 [6400]
60 Fu 2000
800/1300 [2100]
1500/2500 [4000]
3000/4900 [7900]
70 Fu 2300
900/1500 [2600]
1800/2900 [4700]
3000/5000 [8000]
80 Fu 2600
1100/1700 [2800]
2000/3300 [5300]
90 Fu 2900
1200/1900 [3100]
2300/3700 [6000]
100 Fu 3200
1200/2000 [3200]
2400/4000 [6400]
110 Fu 3600
-/- [-]
2700/4500 [7200]
1 Han 2 Han 3 Han 4 Han
20 Fu
- [-]

1000All [2000]

2000All [4000]

3900All [7800]
25 Fu
- [-]
- [-]
2400All [4800]
4800All [9600]
30 Fu 1500
800All [1600]
1500All [3000]
3000All [6000]
5900All [11800]
40 Fu 2000
1000All [2000]
2000All [4000]
3900All [7800]
50 Fu 2400
1200All [2400]
2400All [4800]
4800All [9600]
60 Fu 2900
1500All [3000]
3000All [6000]
5900All [11800]
70 Fu 3400
1800All [3600]
3500All [7000]
6000All [12000]
80 Fu 3900
2000All [4000]
3900All [7800]
90 Fu 4400
2300All [4600]
4400All [8800]
100 Fu 4800
2400All [4800]
4800All [9600]
110 Fu 5300
- [-]
5400All [10800]
Mangan or above
Non-dealer Dealer
Mangan 8000
3000/5000 [8000]
6000All [12000]
Haneman 12000
4500/7500 [12000]
9000All [18000]
Baiman 16000
6000/10000 [16000]
12000All [24000]
Sanbaiman 24000
9000/15000 [24000]
18000All [36000]
Yakuman 32000
12000/20000 [32000]
24000All [48000]

The calculation on Tsumo is finished by the following steps:

  1. Calculate the scoring points based on 4P-Mahjong.
  2. Equally divide North seat's payment (round up to whole hundreds).
  3. Append the half North payment to other seats.

E.g. A non-dealer wins with a hand of 40fu 3han.

  1. Based on 4P-Mahjong, dealer should pay 2600, while non-dealer 1300.
  2. North pays 1300, half of the payment is 650 -> round up to 700.
  3. Dealer actually pays 2600 + 700 = 3300, while non-dealer 1300 + 700 = 2000.

Special rooms

A number of special rooms are offered in the game. They provide players a game experience using alternative rules, not normally found in other interfaces. Due to the number of game modes, they are offered temporarily, but they do recur for everyone's enjoyment.


The tournament lobby has been made available, and Yostar launched the first Catfood Bowl Tournament (Season 0).


  • Primal Fire: Memorial title of server release.
    • <CN> For players participated in a closed-beta early access from June 8th, 2018 to July 2nd, 2018.
    • <EN / JP> For players registered during Grand Launch period from April 25th, 2019 to May 6th, 2019.
  • Light of Firefly <CN>: For players attended in Majsoul's live event held in Shanghai Firefly Animé Expo from October 2nd, 2018 to October 4th, 2018.
  • Grand Renewal <CN>: Memorial title of CN server migration. Awarded for players achieved Adapt rank or above after migration from June 9th, 2020 to November 30th, 2020.

Activity / Event Titles

  • Season 1 Challenger: For the players achieving Trial Rank Lv20 in Path of Trial Season 1 from July 26th, 2020 to October 24th, 2020.
  • Invincible Ichihime: For the players achieving and completed Stage 30 in Invincible Ichihime from August 25th, 2021 to September 14th, 2021.

Player-specified Titles

Charge-related Titles

The following titles are acquired by satisfying enough amount on charge. The title gets upgraded when acquiring the next level, accompanying with corresponding rewards and bonus effects.

Title Charge Amount
(VIP points)
Gifting Frequency
(per day)
Friend Amount Limit Bond Value Enhancement Shop Refresh
(per day)
Log Collection Limit
Free Total
Base (No Title) 0 2 50 0 0 5 20
Soul Contractor Lv. 1 6 4 +0 +50% 1 6 25
Lv. 2 30 6 +10 +75% 1 7 30
Lv. 3 60 8 +20 +100% 1 8 35
Soul Enlightener Lv. 1 100 10 +30 +120% 1 9 40
Lv. 2 250 12 +40 +140% 1 10 45
Lv. 3 500 14 +50 +160% 2 11 50
Soul Creator Lv. 1 1,000 16 +60 +200% 2 12 55
Lv. 2 2,000 18 +70 +200% 2 13 60
Lv. 3 3,000 20 +80 +200% 3 14 65
Soul Excelsior 4,000 22 +90 +200% 4 15 70
Cat Food Supplier 5,000 25 +100 +200% 5 20 75
Protector of Cat Kingdom 8,000 30 +110 +250% 7 25 80


  • A rough calculation between VIP points and actual cost can be done by the following formula:
    6 VIP points = 6 CNY ≈30 NTD or ≈1 USD <CN> / 1 USD <EN> / ≈120 JPY <JP>.
    • The prices in JP server are slightly increased from October 1st, 2019 due to an increasement of consumption tax.
    • The price of Outfit Voucher in JP server's iOS frontend are slightly increased from October 5th, 2022 due to the increased cost of using iOS App Store.
    • The currency in CN server is switched to New Taiwan Dollar after the server migration from June 9th, 2020, while US Dollar is also available in Steam client released on July 15th, 2020. Overall prices are higher, while rewarded jades are also increased slightly.

Achievement Titles

  • The Journey: Complete all achievements of ranking.
  • Winning Streak: Complete all achievements of winning matches.
  • Collector: Complete all achievements of general yakus.
  • The Chosen One: Complete all achievements of yakuman yakus. [note 4]
  • Seasoned: Complete all achievements of room-specified matches.
  • Storyteller: Complete all achievements of winning points.
  • Exemplar: Complete all achievements of logging in.
  • Shrine Guest: Complete all achievements of in-game mechanics, including friend system, summons and items.
  • All-embracing: Complete all achievements of total copper, achievements, and days logging in plus secret achievements.
  • Crowdedness: Complete all achievements of Jyanshi.

Player Markers

Animated series

Jantama PONG☆ is animated series has been released for the 2022 spring anime season. The first episode aired on April 1, 2022. The series presents mahjong soul via animated shorts (~5 min episodes), released on the Mahjong Soul Youtube channel[9]. Characters featured in the episodes are subjected to various gags. A second season titled Jantama Kan!! aired in 2024.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Sometimes called Ichihime's Gift Box.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Story rewards are currently acquirable only for characters containing story plots.
  3. However this is not always reliable, and sometimes it's misleading. Interests of some characters can match more than one type of gifts (e.g. Natsuki Shinomiya), while some of them can't match any at all (e.g. Hideki Akechi).
  4. Of course, including winning Tenhou and Chiihou both once. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

External links


Server Game Sites Social Media
CN (China)
by CatFood Studio
Main Page:
Game Entry: Web / App Store / Google Play / Steam
Bilibili: 雀魂麻将majsoul
Weibo: 雀魂麻将majsoul
EN (North America)
by Yostar Games
Main Page:
Game Entry: Web / App Store / Google Play
Twitter: Mahjong Soul Official
Facebook: Mahjong Soul
Youtube: Mahjong Soul Official - Yostar
Twitch: mahjongsoulofficial
KR (Korea) [ext-note 1]
by Yostar Games
Twitter: 【공식】 작혼: 리치 마작
JP (Japan)
by Yostar Games
Main Page:
Game Entry: Web / App Store / Google Play
Twitter: 【公式】雀魂-じゃんたま-
Youtube: 【公式】雀魂-じゃんたま-


  1. Korean server is identical to EN server. Language can be switched in settings. Region detection is applied to improve gaming experience with dedicated lines.

Other Links

Majsoul in Japanese Wikipedia