More stuff
I took the liberty of expanding a similar article over at Saki wikia a couple weeks ago. Though, the tables could be better; and due to space limitations, I covered 4-player only. I did use XKime's article for translation. Either way, what I did over in Saki wikia could be done better here. KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 20:33, 1 August 2013 (UTC)
Tenhou ranking
Source: KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 15:38, 30 August 2016 (UTC)
Puyo translation
1. complete newbie: newbie-->1k completely new to mahjong and practicing at ippan tables. will find difficulty to even advance to 1k
2. lower beginner: low 1d - mid 2d losing group at jyoukyu tables, impossible to get to tokujyou
3. upper beginner: mid 2d - mid 3d average player at jyoukyu tables, can reach tokujyou by extreme good luck but in general it is unreachable.
4. lower average: low3d - low 4d average - winning group at jyoukyu tables, will reach tokujyou sometimes but drop back easily
5. upper average: mid 4d - low 5d losing group at tokujyou tables, but they have significant edge at jyoukyu tables. Therefore when they drop from tokujyou tables they will be able to come back with ease.
6. lower advanced: mid 5d- low 6d average player at tokuyjou tables, they can reach houou by extreme luck but in general it is unreachable. they experience big resistance at 6d and therefore find great difficulties in reaching houou.
7. upper advanced: mid 6d- low 7d winning group at tokujyou tables, will reach houou sometimes but drop back easily
8. lower super advanced: upper 6d- mid 7d losing group at houou tables, but they have significant edge at tokujyou tables. Therefore when they drop from houou tables they will be able to come back with ease. This rank is for players who tried houou for many times, those are also known as "6d-7d elevator"
9. upper super advanced: mid 7d- mid 8d average houou players, and will drop to tokujyou if they are running bad. with extreme good luck they can even reach 9d. they are playing at their average place of close to 2.5. Mahjong to them is interesting, but very tough.
potential players belong to this rank are those who straight reach houou from 6d without going back to 5d.
10. complete expert: mid 8d+ wll be the winning group at houou tables most of the time and there are very little chance for them to go back to tokujyou
they enjoy big edge with rank 9 (upper super advanced), for public their level is evne not imaginable.
In general they can spot those fishy 7d, rank9 players at houou tables. (Rough translation by Puyo) KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 09:36, 15 February 2014 (UTC)
More translation
Beginners Rank: shinjin - 1kyuu People who have just started playing mahjong. At the stage where they practice in the ippan lobby. Worried about not being able to rise past 1kyuu.
Lower elementary Rank: 1d - 2d Losers in joukyuu. Impossible to reach tokujou. When super lucky: Can reach upper 3d. When normally lucky: Can reach 3d, but cannot maintain it. When normally unlucky: Difficult to maintain 2d. When super unlucky: Falls to 1d.
Upper elementary Rank: Mid-2d - mid-3d Stable in joukyuu. Can reach tokujou when super lucky, but this is fundamentally impossible. When super lucky: Can reach tokujou, but is rejected at the gate When normally lucky: Can reach upper 3d. When normally unlucky: Loiters at 2d without reaching 3d. When super unlucky: Falls to lower 2d.
Lower intermediate Rank: Lower 3d - lower 4d Stable winners in joukyuu. Often reaches tokujou, but cannot continue there and is rejected. When super lucky: Reaches upper 4d and can play in tokujou. When normally lucky: Frequently reaches tokujou. When normally unlucky: Loiters at mid-3d, stuck in joukyuu. When super unlucky: Starts to, or does fall to 2d.
Upper intermediate Rank: Mid-4d - lower 5d Losers in tokujou, but they win abundantly in joukyuu so even if they drop out, they'll immediately return. When super lucky: Can reach 6d, but cannot maintain it and immediately fall. When normally lucky: Reaches upper 5d. When normally unlucky: Starts to, or does fall to 3d. When super unlucky: Falls to 3d.
Lower advanced Rank: Mid-5d - lower 6d Stable in tokujou. Can reach houou when super lucky, but this is fundamentally impossible. The 6d wall is thick, so being on the verge of houou is the limit. When super lucky: Can reach houou. When normally lucky: Can maintain 6d, but 7d is distant. When normally unlucky: Starts to, or does fall to 4d. When super unlucky: Falls to 4d.
(Anon) KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 11:59, 15 February 2014 (UTC)
Those buttons
Leftmost is auto-win (自動和了), then auto-discard aka tsumokiri (ツモ切り), then ignore callable tiles (嗚かない), and finally color settings (色) and sound (音). KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 23:52, 27 March 2014 (UTC)
International team
Development history
- 2006/02/20 Hanjyukusou (半熟荘) beta released
- 2006/08/01 Came out of beta
- 2006/10/24 10,000 IDs registered
- 2007/01/20 Changed name to Tenhou
- 2007/12/25 100,000 IDs registered
- 2008/02/01 Windows client released
- 2009/02/20 Houou table opened
- 2010/08/22 1,000,000 IDs registered
- 2010/10/14 Jansousen beta opened
- 2012/06/09 10,000 concurrent users
- 2013/03/11 Ginousen beta opened
- 2013/07/10 2,500,000 IDs registered
- 2014/07/17 3,000,000 IDs registered
KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 22:43, 3 December 2015 (UTC)
RNG assurance
From Tenhou, KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 05:24, 28 August 2020 (UTC)
Event list
All tne official Tenhou events: KyuuAA (Talk:キュウ) 03:35, 29 August 2020 (UTC)