Template:Infobox ruleset/doc

{{Infobox ruleset
|ariOrnashi         = 
|outPoints          = 
|inPoints           = 
|negaScore          = 
|okaPoints          = 
|umaPoints          = 
|multiWinCase       = 
|callPrecedence     = 
|doraSettings       = 
|renchanSetting     = 
|abortiveSettings   = 
|specificHouseRules =


Entry Use
ariOrNashi Specifying the use of atozuke and kuitan. Ari-ari if both are used.
outPoints Starting points at the beginning of the game.
negaScore Rule whether the game ends when a player falls into negative, or the game continues regardless.
okaPoints Oka value.
umaPoints Uma values.
multiWinCase Indicating use of double ron, triple ron, or atamahane.
callPrecedence Pon may override chii, on simultaneous tile calls. However, players may end up making delayed calls.
doraSettings Variation on the use of dora, which may include akadora (ari/nashi), kandora (ari/nashi), and uradora (ari/nashi).
renchanSetting Dealer repeat on whether tenpai for the dealer is enough (tenpai-renchan), or the dealer must win to retain the dealer position (agari-renchan).
abortiveSettings Usage of abortive draw, by which some or all enabled/disabled.
specificHouseRules Any miscellaneous rules to the game.