Score table memorization

Despite the size of the scoring table, it is possible to memorize the table, in a manner similar to that of a multiplication table. However, any attempt to learn the scoring table is fruitless without knowing particular prerequisites, like basic game procedures, game objectives (tenpai and defense), and the yaku. As a recommendation, scoring is among the last of the more basic concepts of the game for any newer player to learn.


Counting Han

Counting han is simple memorization of the yaku and their han values. As a reminder, some yaku may stack and combine with other yaku.

Mangan and more

Dealer Non-Dealer
Name Ron Tsumo Ron Tsumo
Mangan 12000 4000 8000 4000/2000
Haneman 18000 6000 12000 6000/3000
Baiman 24000 8000 16000 8000/4000
Sanbaiman 36000 12000 24000 12000/6000
Yakuman 48000 16000 32000 16000/8000

The lowest score for mangan is 8000 points for a non-dealer. Higher values possess specific names, namely: haneman, baiman, sanbaiman, and yakuman. Their point values are most convenient because they are round numbers; and they are some multiple of mangan. In the case of mangan to haneman, these two values have a difference of 50%.

Counting fu

30 and 40 fu

Point equivalences

20 fu

25 and 50 fu

60 fu

70 fu and more

External links