List of kokushi musou replays

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This is a collection of replays where kokushi musou is completed or attempted. Regarding starting hands, the number of kokushi tiles needed is assessed before even attempting the yakuman. Naturally, those numbers are taken into consideration. As a note, the initial draw is included into this count.

7-starting or less

2015-09-30 Player: SBelmont Rank: 1級 Round: 東 1 局 0 本場
Haipai Draw:
Agari Tsumo:
Source ( Initial attempt to set up for honitsu, but a kokushi attempt more viable after drawing 1-pin and then 9-man.



2015-09-14 Player: fune150 Rank: 五段 Round: 南 1 局 5 本場
Haipai Draw:
Agari Tsumo:
Source ( Desperation choice with 1900 points at the start of the hand. At one point, the hand developed four pairs by the 7th draw; but that did not change the main decision to chase kokushi.
2016-02-02 Player: Jehu Rank: 五段 Round: 東 1 局 2 本場
Haipai Draw:
Agari Ron (Toimen):
Source ( The hand for kokushi maintained, despite the pon for East.


11-starting or more

2009-04-01 Player: vieri Rank: 初段 Round: 東 1 局 0 本場
Haipai Draw:
Agari Ron (Kamicha):
Source ( Kokushi tenpai called with "double riichi". Won by "ippatsu" ron.
2017-01-26 Player: tooru106 Rank: 六段 Round: 東 4 局 0 本場
Haipai Draw:
Agari Ron (Shimocha):
Source ( Thirteen sided kokushi tenpai called with "double riichi". Won by "ippatsu" ron.

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