
From Japanese Mahjong Wiki
Revision as of 14:27, 1 August 2024 by Hordes (talk | contribs) (*either* end (since there are two possible "ends" to a sequence))
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Kanji 亜両面
English Pair-attached open wait
Fu Pair dependent
Tile types waiting 2 sided wait
Tiles available 6 tiles
Pattern example

Aryanmen 「亜両面」 is a variation on the ryanmen waiting pattern. Appearing as a complete sequence with one extra tile on either end, it can either be interpreted as "a ryanmen next to the hand's pair" or "a complete sequence with a tanki" wait. Aryanmen is generally weaker than ryanmen, since 2 of the 8 winning tiles are in the hand, though it is better than tanki if a hand needs a pair.

Tile pattern

Waiting for:

In this example, the underlying ryanmen wait is based on the 67m, but additionally, 567m can be viewed as a complete sequence, in which case the other 5m creates a pair wait.


When aryanmen is won with the waiting tile not already present in hand, the wait can only be interpreted as a ryanmen wait, and it will score 0 fu.

When aryanmen is won with the waiting tile already present in hand, it can be interpreted as either a tanki or ryanmen wait. In this case, the highest-scoring option must be chosen. Normally, this will be the 2 fu for a tanki wait, but if the hand qualifies for the pinfu yaku, that will be scored instead.

External Links

Aryanmen in Japanese Wikipedia