2014 Anime Central Mahjong Tournament
The Anime Central Mahjong Tournament is a mahjong competition held within the anime convention, Anime Central. The convention itself is held at Rosemont, Illinois near Chicago. The tournament is hosted by the Chicago Area Mahjong Players. The first edition was in 2010 and has since been held annually.
These are rules planned for the 2014 edition.
- Japanese Mahjong: 136 tiles. Pinzu, Manzu, Souzu, Kazehai, Sangenpai. Four of each.
- Akadora: 1-per Pinzu, Manzu, Souzu. One 5 replaced in each suit for a red.
- Start score: 25,000. Minimum score to win: 30,000.
- Uma: Standard (+20, +10, -10, -20)
- Kuitan (ari)
- Open tanyao.
- Atozuke (ari)
- Yakuless hand gains yaku on winning discard.
- Kuikae (nashi)
- Discarding a tile from an existing tile group (e.g. discarding 1 from 123, after calling on 4).
- Agari tenpai (ari)
- No wind rotation when dealer is tenpai.
- Agari yame (ari)
- Last dealer may have the option to end game prematurely after one hand in oorasu, with or without the lead.
- Double ron (ari)
- Two players winning off of one discard.
- Riichi sticks awarded to player closest to East.
- Triple ron (hand reset, no rotation, add honba)
- Three players claim a win off of the same discard, then sanchahou invoked.
- If the discarder is dealer, then the wind rotates.
- Furiten riichi (ari)
- Calling riichi while furiten.
- Kan Dora
- Immediate flip with ankan (closed kan).
- Flip after discard with other kans (open kan).
- Yakitori (nashi)
- Uma penalty not applied.
- Shaakyoku (nashi)
- No West Round. Game ends after Oorasu, regardless of point standing.
- Yakuman pao (ari)
- Half of yakuman payment if player upgrades opponent hand to apparent yakuman (daisangen, shousuushi, or daisuushi).
- Full of yakuman payment in the event of yakuman tsumo.
- Daiminkan pao (nashi)
- Pao rule not applied to rinshan kaihou acquired by daiminkan. Rinshan tsumo operates like any other tsumo.
- Karaten tenpai (ari)
- Karaten does not imply noten.
- Renhou (yaku set to mangan default)
- Renhou is set to mangan regardless.
- Kokushi chankan via ankan (nashi)
- Cannot ron off an ankan (closed kan).
- Chombo (flat rate)
- The penalized pays 3000 to each player, at the end of the game. If the offender is dealer, then the wind rotates.