
From Japanese Mahjong Wiki
Revision as of 04:00, 10 May 2016 by Shodor (talk | contribs) (Fixed error in the Japanese for Shanpon, originally, the Japanese read "Harabote," a different wait.)
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Kanji 双ポン
English Dual paired
Fu Depends on the tiles
Tile types waiting 2 sided wait
Tiles available 4 tiles
Pattern example example

Shanpon 「双ポン」 is a wait pattern involving two groups of paired tiles, where either is looking to complete a triplet.


Waiting for: or


The fu generated from a shanpon depends on the tiles themselves. Triplets using honor tiles or terminals are worth more than simples. When claimed for a win, the newly completed triplet is considered to be open.


At most, a shanpon wait looks for 4 tiles of 2 tile types (2 tiles each). The pattern has one main advantage, by which it is immune to suji. Plus, it can easily incorporate honor tiles. Players looking to defend may fall to these traps fairly easily.

The major disadvantage to shanpon involves locked tiles. In this case, pairs of waiting tiles may be incorporated into other player(s) waiting hands, which may or may not be dropped. If this happens, then one or both tile types decrease in likelihood for a win. Of course, the win may be assured, if such a player decided to split a pair and discard the needed tile.


Shanpon may combine with other tile waits. Shanpon with ryanmen produces entotsu. This combination may be increased with ryanmenten. Shanpon has the ability to mix with itself. This is only possible with a built-in pattern of iipeikou, plus a fourth numbered pair in the sequence.

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