
Toki from Kobayashi Ritz's Saki
Full name YuukiTheFlash
Country USA
Club Northwestern University Riichi Mahjong
ID Onjouji怜 (二段)

YuukiTheFlash is an amateur Riichi Mahjong player who first picked up the game in May 2018, at a Northwestern University Riichi Mahjong club meeting, where he was taught from scratch by Kyuu. He goes by the pseudonyms of Onjouji怜 and Kikuko<3 on Tenhou. While Yuuki regularly plays club mahjong with both Northwestern University Riichi Mahjong and Chicago Area Mahjong, he also plays online, weekly, with the Tenhou Tuesday group. In addition, Yuuki has met and played with members of USPML.

Yuuki is an avid fan of Kobayashi Ritz's Saki series, where his favorite character is Senriyama's Vanguard, Onjouji Toki. Subsequently, Yuuki's favorite yaku in the game is Ippatsu 一発, and his favorite yaku combination is Ippatsu Tsumo, as it is Toki's signature hand. Although he has never scored it or seen it live, Yuuki's favorite Yakuman is Tenhou 天和 (There was a period of time where Yuuki was obsessed with Daisangen 大三元, which has since dulled after he scored it multiple times on Tenhou). Yuuki's proudest hand that he has scored is what he refers to as his "Toki Kazoe", which was a Kazoe Yakuman he scored in casual play, where his Ippatsu Tsumo on his takame tile gave him exactly 13 Han needed for a Kazoe Yakuman (Riichi, Ippatsu, Tsumo, Pinfu, Ryanpeikou, Honitsu, Dora 2, Akadora 1).

Tournament Play

Date(s) Event Venue Medium Ruleset Placement / Total
July - August 2018 2018 IORMC USA Qualification Tenhou.net Online IORMC Rules 5 / 26

Tenhou.net Aliases

4-Player Ranked Statistics

Name Tenhou Rank Games First Game Last Game Rank Avg Best Worst Avg Score Source
Kikuko<3 (四段 r1718) 497 05-24-2018 08-25-2018 2.52 +91 -61 +0.32 [1]
Onjouji怜 (二段 r1824) 69 08-17-2018 08-30-2018 2.15 +87 -58 +13.1 [2]


  • 9級
  • 8級
  • 7級
  • 6級
  • 5級
  • 4級
  • 3級
  • 2級
  • 1級
  • 初段
  • 二段
  • 三段
  • 四段

Yakuman Count

As of 09-04-2018, YuukiTheFlash's Yakuman count is at 6 (4 via Tenhou.net and 2 on real tiles). Only Yakuman scored in 4-Player are counted.


# Date Yakuman Room Oya Notes Source
1 06-10-2018 Daisangen 大三元 一般 No Ron on Toimen with a Hadaka tanki, but Toimen shared the pain with Kamicha due to Sekinin barai. [3]
2 06-13-2018 Daisangen 大三元 上級 No A gyakuten ron 7 discards in, hitting the leader, Kamicha, on South 1 Honba 2. Also, in South 3, I was iishanten for a Shousuushii, Tsuuiisou. [4]
3 06-21-2018 Daisangen 大三元 上級 No Was in third, pushing for first, dropping dangerous tiles including dora to keep Daisangen tenpai, which paid off with a ron on Shimocha to win the game. [5]
4 08-31-2018 Shousuushii 小四喜 3003 Yes First Oya Yakuman, a gyakuten passing first place Kamicha who was at 58k to win the game. Ron on Shimocha, who yelled "hit me" in voice chat right before being hit. [6]

Real tiles

Date Yakuman Location Notes Source
06-20-2018 Kokushi Musou 国士無双 Northwestern University Riichi Mahjong Club Play

First Yakuman on real tiles, ron on the jigoku 9m. Meanwhile, Kamicha had a Yakuman looking hand as well.

09-01-2018 Kazoe Yakuman 数え役満 Casual Play with Family Friends

"Toki Kazoe" - Ippatsu Tsumo on takame giving exactly 13 han (Riichi, Ippatsu, Tsumo, Pinfu, Ryanpeikou, Honitsu, Dora 2, Akadora 1).


Unusual Highlights

These are some unusual situations that YuukiTheFlash has been a part of, while playing Riichi Mahjong.

Date Location Situation Description Source
06-28-2018 Tenhou.net First to score more than 30k points in West round, and still did not win under normal Tenhou rules. In South 4, Shimocha tsumo'd forcing a West round, due to the Enchousen rule, as no one was above 30k. Then in West 1, the dealer (Kamicha), and myself double ron Toimen allowing me to pass 30k (going to 31.8k), and Kamicha goes to 29.9k. However, because of Agari renchan, Kamicha is entitled to another hand, which he wins, passing me in West 2. [9]