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Full name Kyuu
Country USA
Club Chicago Area Mahjong
ID epi*i+1

KyuuAA is an amateur Japanese mahjong player since August 2009. He currently resides in the Chicagoland area as part of the Chicago Area Mahjong club.

In, he uses the "female voice", because it is pleasing to hear during the game. Nevertheless, Kyuu is definitely a male player.


From Wikimedia

Tournament play

Date(s) Event Venue Medium Ruleset Placement / Total
Jan 2015 WRML S2 Online WRML 3 / 8
Mar 2015 WRML S3 Online WRML 8 / 12
Jun 13-14, 2015 NARO 1 Montreal, CAN Physical tiles NARO 7 / 12
Sep 26-27, 2015 NYC Open New York City Physical tiles WRC 2015 24 / 40
July 2, 2016 2016 Osamuko Invitational Online Modified 16 / 16
Sep 10-11, 2016 PML Open San Francisco Auto table WRC 2015 38 / 52
May 20, 2017 ACEN 2017 Rosemont, IL Physical Tiles rules 26 / 28
Oct 5-9, 2017 WRC 2017 Las Vegas Physical Tiles WRC 2015 198 / 224
Summer, 2018 USA IORMC Qualifiers Online IORMC 6 / 26
Oct 13-14, 2018 NAOpen 2018 New York City Physical Tiles WRC 2015 30 / 76 aliases

  • 4-player statistics only.
Name Games First game Last game Rank Avg Best Worst Status Source
KyuuA4 149 11-02-2009 12-16-2009 2.88 +103 -61 Retired [1]
キュウA4 8 11-03-2009 11-04-2009 3.00 +60 -43 Retired [2]
Kyuu44 65 12-17-2009 05-13-2010 2.71 +111 -57 Retired [3]
Kyuu24 133 05-09-2010 01-30-2011 2.93 +79 -87 Retired [4]
Kyuu77 46 03-13-2011 07-29-2012 2.59 +125 -64 Retired [5]
ICKyuu 89 05-20-2013 04-05-2016 2.61 80 -69 Retired [6]
KyuuBB 35 04-12-2013 02-18-2016 2.01 +77 -34 Retired [7]
KyuuCC 247 09-21-2017 06-29-2018 2.36 +106 -61 Retired [8]
KyuuAA 24 01-31-2011 12-30-2011 2.50 +60 -51 Active [9]
643 01-02-2012 12-25-2012 2.45 +99 -79 [10]
769 01-02-2013 12-29-2013 2.49 +108 -61 [11]
1050 01-03-2014 12-31-2014 2.41 +106 -74 [12]
771 01-05-2015 12-31-2015 2.42 +100 -67 [13]
1093 01-03-2016 12-30-2016 2.47 +101 -66 [14]
932 01-06-2017 12-30-2017 2.53 +106 -69 [15]
01-03-2018 [16]

Ladder by year

Name Games First game Last game Rank Avg Best Worst Status Source
KyuuAA Cumulative 2.50 +106 -79 Active [17]
170 07-06-2012 12-15-2012 2.47 +74 -79 [18]
225 01-11-2013 12-29-2013 2.58 +79 -61 [19]
633 01-03-2014 12-31-2014 2.54 +106 -74 [20]
566 01-05-2015 12-31-2015 2.42 +100 -67 [21]
705 01-03-2016 12-30-2016 2.50 +101 -62 [22]
701 01-06-2017 12-28-2017 2.56 +106 -69 [23]
01-03-2018 [24]
KyuuCC 50 09-21-2017 12-31-2017 2.46 +79 -60 Retired [25]
196 01-08-2018 06-29-2018 2.33 +104 -61 [26]

Ladder by lobby

Last update: 12-29-2017

Name Games First game Last game Rank Avg Best Worst Lobby Source
KyuuAA 1694 02-23-2012 2.36 +108 -69 7447 [27]
05-09-2018 7863 [28]
398 01-31-2011 01-31-2016 2.47 +79 -79 一般 [29]
1619 12-08-2012 05-27-2017 2.48 +106 -74 上級 [30]
1199 03-14-2016 2.58 +106 -69 特上 [31]
KyuuCC 54 09-21-2017 01-30-2018 2.41 +92 -60 一般 [32]
83 01-13-2018 02-27-2018 2.21 +71 -61 上級 [33]
109 03-02-2018 06-29-2018 2.44 +104 -58 特上 [34]


  • 9級
  • 8級
  • 7級
  • 6級
  • 5級
  • 4級
  • 3級
  • 2級
  • 1級
  • 初段
  • 二段
  • 二段
  • 二段
  • 三段
  • 三段
  • 三段
  • 四段
  • 五段
  • 五段
  • 五段
  • 四段
  • 五段
  • 五段

Sega Mahjong alias

Tengokuhai Mahjong alias

Yakuman count

As of 05-15-2018, Kyuu's yakuman count is at 40 via[35] Just 1 is scored via Sega Mahjong. An additional 5 more were scored using real tiles.

# Date Yakuman Room Oya Notes Source
1 07-21-2010[1] Suuankou 一般 No The only time yakuman was scored, only to finish in fourth. [36]
2 08-22-2010[2] Daisangen 一般 No Shousangen tenpai declined and later proceeded to draw 2 haku in a row. [37]
3 02-22-2012 Shousuushii, Tsuuiisou 一般 Yes Initial honitsu push converted into double yakuman. [38]
4 06-16-2012 Kazoe 一般 No Unknowingly and luckily tsumo'd this one. [39]
5 07-08-2012 Kokushi 7447 No Fast kokushi, tenpai by 6-7 discards. [40]
6 10-31-2012 Suuankou 7447 Yes Retailatory yakuman, as I had played into a Chinrotou one game prior. Also, furiten. [41]
7 11-03-2012 Shousuushi 7447 No Started hand with one of each wind, with initial intent to build honitsu. [42]
8 11-08-2012 Kazoe 7447 No Suuankou tenpai [43]
9 01-06-2013 Suuankou 7447 No Rejected calling ankan out of fear. After examining the wall, the rinshanpai was an agaripai. [44]
10 01-17-2013 Kazoe 7447 Yes Dealt hatsu ankan, held kan call until tenpai. Only hand won in the game. [45]
11 06-19-2013 Shousuushi 上級 Yes Broke cheap tenpai to convert hand to yakuman. [46]
12 09-20-2013 Kokushi 上級 No Began with 7 elements for orasu, and had to go for it while being last. [47]
13 02-25-2014 Shousuushi 上級 Yes Obvious opening hand for the yakuman. [48]
14 03-09-2014 Kazoe 上級 No Defense against two riichi's, both likely to be manzu waits. [49]
15 04-14-2014 Suuankou tanki 7447 No Simple collection of those ankous. [50]
16 10-08-2014 Tsuuiisou 上級 No Declined tenpai for toitoi + honitsu. 800th ranked game. [51]
17 11-13-2014 Kokushi 上級 No Snapped a horrible six 4th place losing streak. Very despair motivated. [52]
18 04-30-2015 Kokushi 13 上級 No Rising Sun! [53]
19 05-05-2015 Daisangen 上級 No Initially intended to go honroutou, honitsu. Daisangen chance apparent when the haku paired up. [54]
20 07-11-2015 Kokushi 上級 No Obvious chase for kokushi with 10-starting. [55]
21 11-07-2015 Suuankou 上級 Yes Game went into West. Was willing to call for toitoi to win the game, but scored yakuman instead. [56]
22 12-08-2015 Kokushi 上級 Yes Kokushi 1-shanten haipai. [57]
23 02-19-2016 Suuankou 上級 No My only hand won in the game. Declined shanpon tenpai for iipeikou nomi. [58]
24 02-26-2016 Kokushi 上級 No Kokushi with 10-starting. Initial 3-sou discard helped shift the tile draw into favor. [59]
25 03-20-2016 Kokushi 7447 Yes Kyuushuu kyuuhai declined, and chased kokushi anyways. Scored on the last haku. [60]
26 06-14-2016 Suuankou 特上 Yes First tokujou yakuman. Also, suuankou tenpai vs suuankou tenpai. [61]
27 08-03-2016 Suuankou 特上 Yes Had a potential suuankou tanki two hands prior. [62]
28 10-27-2016 Chuuren poutou 特上 Yes Chase for honitsu ended with chuuren poutou. [63]
29 12-16-2016 Suuankou 特上 No 1-shanten after two turns, and ippatsu if riichi was called. [64]
30 01-06-2017 Daisangen 特上 No Push for toitoi honitsu, ended up as daisangen in a battle against toimen's potential haneman toitoi. [65]
31 01-21-2017 Daisangen 7447 No Broke shousangen tenpai to set up for daisangen, after acquiring 3 dragon pairs. [66]
32 05-07-2017 Daisangen C8827 No Early dragon pairs lead to daisangen. [67]
33 07-14-2017 Suuankou 特上 No 1-shanten after 4 draws. [68]
34 09-21-2017 Suuankou 特上 No 2-shanten after 3 draws, 1-shanten after 4-draws, tenpai after 5-draws. Win on the 6th draw. [69]
35 09-26-2017 Suuankou 特上 No Tenpai on the 4th turn. [70]
36 01-25-2018 Daisangen 上級 No Declined yakuhai 2 tenpai, and opted for at least shousangen with hatsu dora. [71]
37 02-24-2018 Suuankou 7447 No Shanpon for double nan and dora. [72]
38 04-06-2018 Suuankou 特上 Yes A pair of ryantan patterns developed for suuankou upgrade. [73]
39 05-04-2018 Daisuushii 特上 No Initial decision for shousuushii and apparent after one wind pon and three wind pairs. [74]
40 05-16-2018 Shousuushii, Tsuuiisou 7863 No Began with three honor pairs. Completed on jigoku. [75]

Sega Net Mahjong

Date Yakuman Room Oya Notes Source
04-10-2016 Daisangen 段位認定戦 No Closed daisangen, which could've been coupled with suuankou. [76]

Real tiles

Date Yakuman Location Notes Source
03-28-2012 Ryuuiisou Club play
07-24-2014 Shousuushi Club play
05-17-2015 Kokushi Anime Central
09-26-2015 Suuankou New York Open
08-01-2018 Suuankou NU Club Play

Sanbaiman count

As of April 24, 2018, Kyuu has scored 11 sanbaiman online. An additional one is scored using real tiles.

Date Main yaku Room Han Oya Notes Source
12-22-2009 Chinitsu 一般 12 No Realized 8 years later. [80]
09-03-2012 Chinitsu Chiitoitsu 一般 12 No Response hand to the previous one. [81]
10-18-2012 Sanshoku 一般 11 Yes Kan assisted. [82]
06-16-2013 Riichi Ippatsu Tsumo 上級 12 No Riichi after kan, like the 01-17-2013 Kazoe. [83]
10-19-2013 Pinfu 7447 11 Yes Kan assisted. [84]
06-02-2014 Honitsu 7447 12 No Fast honitsu, with yakuhai dora. [85]
09-03-2015 Pinfu 上級 12 No Kan assisted. [86]
11-30-2015 Shousangen 上級 11 Yes Daisangen tenpai, on yasume tsumo. No dora. [87]
01-12-2018 Chinitsu 一般 12 Yes Chinitsu, tenpai for suuankou. [88]
02-21-2018 Mentanpin Iipeikou 特上 11 No Called riichi against two riichi, after dama a couple of turns. [89]
04-24-2018 Sanankou 7447 11 Yes Kan riichi [90]

Real tiles

Date Main yaku Loc. Han Notes Source
05-14-2014 Toitoi Club play 12 Double ton, toitoi, dora 8. By ron. Ended game as the initial dealer.
09-26-2018 Honitsu NU Club Play 11 Riichi, ippatsu, tsumo, honitsu, iipeikou, chanta, double ton.
Miscounted as baiman, retroactively marked as sanbai.

End score of 100 or greater

These scores were acquired via lobbies using Tenhou's uma 20/10 rate.

Date Room Score Notes Source
02-22-2012 一般 +125 Double yakuman. [91]
05-08-2010 一般 +111 Multiple renchan on both dealer opportunities. [92]
10-28-2013 7447 +108 All other players finishing with 3000 points or less. [93]
02-25-2014 上級 +106 Won the last four consecutive hands, finishing with dealer shousuushi. [94]
05-31-2017 特上 +106 East 2 domination. [95]
05-10-2018 特上 +104 Won 8 out of 10 hands. Toimen oyamangan allowed the game to resume. [96]
11-19-2009 一般 +103 No game link. [97]
08-03-2016 特上 +101 Missed potential suuankou in one hand, scored one in another. [98]
12-08-2015 上級 +100 Dealer kokushi while in the lead. [99]

Other highlighted games

These are some sample games played by Kyuu, where some unusual non-yakuman occurences are involved.

  • The "Bill Clinton" game
This game was played after watching Bill Clinton's 2012 DNC speech.
  • Triple ron
  • Four riichi, followed by "renhou"
  • Win with exactly 30,000
  • 2nd and 4th separated by 200 pts, which leaves 3rd right in the middle
  • Blown ryuuiisou
  • Chuuren tenpai #1
  • First tokujou game
  • Riichi ippatsu haitei
  • Chankan denies Rinshan Kaihou
  • One of the most retarded games, that I've ever played
  • Failed +100 attempt
  • Death by yakuman
  • One of my dumbest riichi's ever
  • My own "renhou"
  • Riichi ippatsu haitei again
  • Win by 100 against two players
  • Silly honba 10 game
  • Double kan rinshan
  • Game against resident tokujou 10-dan (るーしあ)
  • Game against three 6-dan, each scoring haneman tsumo in the East round
  • Comeback from 0


  • First game
  • First hanchan


Washizu table design


Sandbox page

This is where I do various test edits. User:KyuuAA/sandbox

Ranking table


NARMA related



External links

Drop it, like it's hot!
My profile in regular Wikipedia.

Social media